It's amazing how bad this game is without alerts.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GoyoElGringo, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. GoyoElGringo

    No one seems to care about taking bases at all, they are happy to spend hours farming between them. I used to think alerts were too frequent, but now I understand why. The game really falls apart when people have no reason to take territories. I guess alerts are a crutch, but we really need that crutch back, asap!

    oh and is proximity chat broken? Squad chat works, but proximity doesn't seem to.
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  2. Leftconsin

    I'm pretty sick of Heyoka Bloodworks right now.
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  3. vsae

    FYI, there are lots of people not giving a single Higby about alerts in any given moment.
    This is an FPS game so why not enjoy the main aspect of it, i.e. farming bads/find interesting fight and have fun. You see, this aspect of the game IS rewarded with directive rewards while your fabulous capture meaningless territory metageme isnt.
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  4. Leftconsin

    The way I'm looking at it right now is alerts make is so fights rotate. With warpgate rotations we aren't clogged into the same bases every day. Alerts are kinda just a means to that end. The only reason why I miss alerts is because rotating warpgates via territory cap is slow and agonizing, and on Connery I'm pretty sure Amerish hasn't been capped this week. Hence, as TR my options are pretty much
    -Somewhere between Kwahtee and Wokuk
    -Somewhere between Heyoka and Tumas (usually bloodworks)
    -Maybe we get out to Sungrey
    The second continent has been usually empty and/or getting actively steam rolled by one faction. It is like the old days where everyone is huddled around certain fights just because the fight is already there, but instead of Indar it is Amerish.
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  5. GoyoElGringo

    No thanks. I'd prefer that the territories mean something, and the game be more than just TDM. If alerts are the only incentive for that, then we need them back.
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  6. f0d

    i cared about there not being alerts when i was stuck on indar on briggs
    now we stuck on a different continent i just dont care - in fact i think i like not having indar at all
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  7. Elrobochanco

    Been fighting at the same bases for hours. Something needs to stir this pot.
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  8. BobSanders123

    On Connery it has been TerranAviation50%offMosquitohellfireBombingraidSimulator2014 for the past week.
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  9. PurpleHIppo

    Alerts rotate the fights, they make sure we get to play on all 4 continents with decent fights. Without alerts we get stuck with only fighting in the same area for days/weeks with absolutely no variation, I wasnt a fan of alerts but the game desperately needs them to give us some variation.
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    Absolutely agree. On Cobalt Hossin and Amerish were to locked for two days now. On Esamir we've been stuck between Mani and Andvari all the time. Attacking Biolabs 24/7, whoopdidoo! Indar was the usual uphill grind at Excarvation Site-Quartz Ridge, Howling Pass you name it. The fights that we all love, not. Gladly somebody locked it yesterday so Amerish was opened up again. So yeah, we need the alerts back badly!
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  11. TheBurningLegion

    Alerts were garbage. You may hate fighting at the same bases, but just as many people hated fighting at complete zergfests all day long. The first day of no alerts was glorious. Finally, people were able to move freely across territory, taking it if they wanted to or just fighting.

    Alerts need to come back yes, but they need to be cross-continental and not territorial.
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  12. Leftconsin

    The end goal is to move people around so you don't get days long stalemates. Intercontinental alerts would get people to move to new continents, and it wouldn't be quite as harsh as single continent alerts.
  13. doombro

    I don't miss alerts. PS2's territory game is a joke, to put it kindly. Even during alerts, I'll just go to another continent. I do miss continent locking though. I hate having to play on the same continent at the same bases all the time. It's a pain.
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  14. GoyoElGringo

    Well, tbh they could remove alerts completely as long as territories had some other meaning. I would rather alerts be an infrequent but rewarding event, and instead have a better purpose for territories.
  15. BobSanders123

    At the moment it is basically Battlefield 4 without terrain destruction, building variaty, good map design, good weapon animations, good animations, and good character models.

    Fight at this base until the round ends, another base has already been selected for you to fight at. These fights are meaningless and provide no value. You shouldn't care about them and only care about farming xp for your weapons and classes.
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  16. \m/SLAYER\m/

    yep, about 3 days only Esamir, and all around same bases, Indar was empty, only ghost cap..
  17. STR1D3R109

    yep, haven't played for more than 30 minutes a day because i got bored that literally no one has been hanging around the teamspeak ;P
  18. MarkAntony

    best thing ever. no continent locking for 34%. capping a continent used to be an achievement...
  19. NLLN

    Agreed. Alerts used to piss me off with all the redeployside garbage, but it sure beats fighting at the same 2 bases all day long.
  20. Huishe

    Speaking of which, any word on when the halloween names finally disappear?