It's about time the Striker gets Nerfed!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jbkappirossi, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Headcapper

    Some front hits against a tank with any launcher will make the tank driver give up..
  2. Jeno

    I don't actually get the meaning of that in regard to my post.
    What do the tank drivers give up? Hope, that the guy in front will actually have significant impact somewhen today? :)
  3. Mxiter

    It"s funny to see people complaining about the striker while they ignore how its working.

    -It's the weapon that needs the moste exposition time: 7s+ to hit a 300m taget, much more to hit aircraft or mobile vehicle at max range (around 11sec) and lower its DPS.
    Specifics AV or AA fire and forget launchers have a better DPS over 400m with less exposition.
    -It's hard to hit the taget with the full slavo.(environnement, smoke/flares)
    -Many hits maker but few kills.
  4. tastyBerryPunch

    Probably that after a few front hits, the tank driver will drive behind cover. There he can repair and try again and again and again. Unlike the Striker user, who will run out of ammo pretty soon, if he doesn't have an engineer around.
  5. ShureShot

    Ever considered that the rockets that miss due to flares/smoke cause that 'low' accuracy? And it's not just the rockets that hit you need to consider, it's also the aeria denial (especially for libs), and how it forces players to use flares/smoke instead of other useful utilities that make the Striker problematic.

    There is no way one can claim that the Striker is balanced compared to the other lock on launchers. And if you introduce a new lock on launcher, that is what you should aim for.

    The spreadsheat is offline, but last time I looked, score/hour with Strikers was THREE TIMES as high as that of the universal lock on the other factions have access to. Not twice as high, three times.

    Before ESRL's, launchers were pretty balanced around the dumbfire: you do less damage for a guided missile, and even less for a universal lock on. You get some more damage with Decimator, but one less rocket & lower velocity.

    And then came the ESRL's, and all of a sudden that whole theory went out the window. They just slapped some insane damage on them to make people buy and use them. And it's a shame, because a guided rocket should never do more damage than a dumbfire. That's really basic logic and unfortunately they couldn't make the ESRL's interesting enough without abandoning that principle.
  6. GhostAvatar

    Firstly a correction, it is 400m lock on for ground vehicles. 500 is for air, same as the Anni.

    Now I am all for balancing it. Since it is the worst performing ESRL atm, that would require it getting a buff even in its current bugged form.

    LMFAO, you're complaining about the charge up in comparison to the Striker. You do know that the Striker has a lock-on timer, that is affected by the same fast paced game.
  7. ShureShot

    It is by far the best performing lock on launcher in the game, and only one faction has access to it. That is the real problem. New lock on launchers should be balanced compared to existing lock on launchers. Especially if you only give them to one faction.

    The ESRL's were poorly executed.

    The Phoenix is a nice concept, but if half of them are being fired from behind shields, that messes up the whole concept of fps games where you should be able to shoot back at whoever is shooting at you.

    The Strikers are a clear upgrade over the existing lock ons.

    And the Lancer is (or would be) problematic if used in large numbers, but since it is underused, that's pretty much a non-issue.
  8. tastyBerryPunch

    I thought it's really obvious that the low acuracy is partly because of flares and smoke. I thought I didn't have to explain it. :rolleyes: I was replying to the OP, who insists the notion that every Striker rocket hits and every Striker magazine does 2500 damage.
    But guess what. I use flares on Mossie aswell. There are plenty of Lock-on users in VS and NC. I don't use smoke on my Prowler, since it can't effectivly counter the Phoenix and Lancer.
    Now unfurtently these are the empire specific traits, which SOE decided. TR gets the best lock-on launcher, VS the best long range launcher and NC the best short range launcher. Fine gives us a more interesting weapon, I'm all for it and I'm sure most of the TR will agree. Still while the Striker is the best lock-on weapon, it still not as overpowered as people like the OP claim. There are plenty of things the Lancer and Phoenix can do, that anyother launcher can't. Like shoot across cover and snipe at longer distances.
  9. GhostAvatar

    Actually you might want to check the performance before making such claims, here you go.

    It is the worst performing TR rocket launcher (including the lock-ons) in kills per hour, and fifth from bottom overall. And in the AV role (which all ESRL are designed to be) it is the worst performing ESRL. And this is data including its current bugged form of terrain avoidance. Without the current bug, it would perform far worse.
  10. Haterade

    This is the problem when noobs look at stats in a vacuum.

    The Striker has the shortest lock-on time because it's balanced by the fact it doesn't dump all of it's rockets at once. Unless you're completely caught in the open (in which case you shouldn't be taking your vehicle there), the Striker user isn't likely to get off all the rockets. Even if the rockets clip through terrain (although I haven't noticed this happening regularly), you have time to maybe squeeze off one additional rocket with a poor trajectory once the vehicle dips behind cover.

    If the Striker would be the Annihilator 2.0 if it shot a single rocket that did 2500 damage. It doesn't, so it isn't. Hell, it isn't even clearly the best TR lock-on. I know many many TR players who prefer the SKEP in most instances because the dumbfire ability gives it tons of flexibility the Striker simply doesn't have.

    The Striker is good. But it has enough drawbacks associated with it to keep it from being anywhere close to OP. The stats speak from themselves. If the Striker is OP and over represented in the TR population, why is it: 10th best in kills; 4th best in vehicle kills (the worst ESRL for vehicle kills); 5th best in accuracy; and 6th best in player count. It's not first in a single important RL category.

    If the OP is the "Magrider King," he should know that it's actually hard to hit the low-profile Magrider, especially considering it can easily strafe behind cover. Either the OP needs to learn to play his Magrider, or he's upset that there's actually something that might deter his tanking a little.
  11. ShureShot

    Yeah for me the problem isn't so much 'how insanely op' the Striker is, but more how it drains the fun out of the game like no other weapon does. I think we (Fools on Cobalt) now fight NC 75% of the time, just because we get so annoyed at the fact that you get hit by Strikers every single time you bring a vehicle into TR territory. You can't have a fun tank or air battle against TR anymore, because you constantly have to focus on the Strikers, which are a bigger threat than other vehicles.
    • Up x 1
  12. Jolly

    Except Strikers missiles clip through the terrain. Hiding behind a rock will not save you.
  13. Wezdor

    And the annihilator has 155 dps. So in reality the Striker is 2x as powerful as the annihilator. Counter that, if you can.

    Protip: you can't.
  14. ShureShot

    These stats are not very interesting.

    The spreadsheet that is now unfortunately unavailable gave a much clearer idea, with numbers like score/hour/player that used a weapon. And there, the Annihilator was around 3k/hour, the specific launchers around 7k/hour, and the Striker around 9.5k/hour.
  15. Wezdor

    1. WRONG. The weapon has a 3.55 s exposure time, at any range.
    2. WRONG. The striker deals around 2x more damage than an anni and 1.7x more damage than a dedicated launcher.
    3. WRONG. The Striker missiles will avoid terrain and due to a current bug, ignore flares in some cases too.
    4. I can't comment on this, but i can comment it does far too much damage even if it does not get the killing blow.

  16. Squirreli

    Bug with all lock-ons, currently. Should be fixed in near future and not relevant to the conversation in the long term.
  17. SenEvason

    Better idea: Give us something else instead of just another lock-on. Something that actually requires skill to use.
    • Up x 2
  18. tastyBerryPunch

    I see your poin there. But believe me the Striker is as boring to use as it's to go up against, unless you take joy in that assist exp you get for keeping your crosshair on target. Honestly I'd rather use the Phoenix or the Lancer. They opean up a whole new area of gameplay.

    Hah. I was waiting for someone to bring this up.
  19. Jolly

    It was relevant to the dude I quoted.
  20. GhostAvatar

    You mean Cupboys spreadsheet. That also showed the same underperformance in every aspect, with the sole except of SPM. And SPM was only because it was supplemented by Ground to Air damage bonus XP.