It boggles the mind how much of failure the broad planning for this game is, an embarassment

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crazyfingers, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Crazyfingers

    Hate to whine any more in this cesspool of a forum, but i can't take it any more

    I just don't know what to say really, the game is broken and as we speak the developers are playing a community event that's ruined the game for the entire night for most of the player base. Do they think this is going to educate the player base as to how cross faction play works? Or serve to entice new players in by showing off a broken game?

    It's maddening. How about instead of planning events and putting dev time into failed publicity stunts the game gets fixed to the point it's worth showing off?

    Absolutely losing faith in this company to make a single rational decision for the good of their own and their community's future.

    Same old SOE, was hoping things would change with planetside 2, but they're still the giant bumbling company barely scraping of the pennies of a disgusting core user base. Shame because this game had/ has real potential.
  2. MasterChiefette

    What game event? You mean the fail UES broadcast on Twitch TV that nobody can watch due to lag?
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  3. Crazyfingers

    I mean why plan a massive event that's going to throw the game upside down when the core game is already a total failure in its current state? Did they really think this was going to work, I mean WTF is going through their heads? How many times do does SOE have to fail with overcommitment to community elements with their games?


    Again, plan these little community shindigs AFTER there's a game worth building a community around, otherwise we get this toxic atmosphere that we see in Planetside 2 today, where the only players sticking with the game are the die hards that are just going to scare everyone else off.

    Bah, I should probably stop ******** in this forum, but there just doesn't seem anything else to do here. Just a terrible terrible product and scene going on right now and all we have is the same old same old. A failed company pandering to their base by telling them they'll listen to them at every turn and the community itself being a clueless gaming minority without a fiber of sound game design reason in their beings. You cannot rely on a community to salvage a game for any type of player.

    Again i'm just dumbfounded by SOE's judgement over the past decade... Just totally awestruck at how they can routinely make the same blunders.
  4. An Hero

    Relax, it's only a beta, when they come back from their holiday vacay's they will fix it all.
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  5. Momo93

    They sure have a lot of holidays....from the money they milk.
  6. GImofoJoe

    You think you can run it better than people who've done it many times, their lifetime in the game industry? G T F O.
  7. MaxDamage

    Message to the OP.

    Stop playing Planetside. Stop reading the forums.

    Sort your life out.
  8. Omally

    You're a moron.
  9. Crazyfingers

    I think much of SOE would function better if swathes of the company were simply liquidated. I fully believe the company is composed of dead weight that's paid purely to make their games less enjoyable. Maybe I shouldn't divulge this but I actually interned at the damned place and I know this to be true.

    The company is obsessed with hiring brown nosing smiley types rather than those whose priority is making better games. Why do you think so much priority is put into organizing community events? Profitable companies don't rely on this horse s*&t, they put out good product and let it speak for itself.
  10. An Hero

    Heh, why am I not surprised when they expect you to get ****** in the *** and smile while at it?
  11. Unknown Squid

    Shut up and try following Mech Warrior Online from beta you over entitled spoilt little princess. You haven't remotely seen the $hit that the fans of that series have had to endure. Threads like this turned up like an hourly bus all week long. By comparison this game is finalised perfection with masterful and flawless design choices every step of the way.

    SOE have been doing a fantastic job overall, given the budget and time constraints they were given, and the unprecedented scope of the game concept itself. There is genuine progress being made, and the dev commentary videos have for the most part shown a good level of insight. Perhaps you think games on this scale are just overhauled overnight.

    If you feel the need to leave then good ridance.
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  12. Crazyfingers

    I feel given the decade long history of the IP there could have been more sound judgement given to priming the pump on the sequel. The massive issues we're seeing today aren't new. I'm not specifically singing out the design team, I'm singling out the top tier decisions that led to this game being released far too early. That said the design does leave a lot to be desired in many areas, and not in the sense it feels rushed, but in the sense that much time has been spent developing systems that don't interact with each other to create any semblance of a meta game. But this has been hashed over many, many times.
  13. KoooZ

    Funny, I on pcgamer they say PS2 may become am esport.

    PS: Threads like this are the reason for the cesspool.
  14. Crazyfingers

    I think it's more that constructive threads fall off the front page, the whole adage "you reap what you sow"