Issues that still make me rage..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MilitiaMan, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. MilitiaMan

    This is a little "/ranty" so forgive me in advance.

    #1 Physics: I have to say that while physics are fun in this game, most of the time they are more detrimental to me than helpful. I land an aircraft, get out to repair and the thing bounces 20 feet in the air and does a barrel roll landing on its back and exploding.

    Greased tread: All tanks except the Mag unless it is unmanned seems to slide like it is on ice when on an incline. Could I possibly get some teeth on my treads to grip the dirt better? I can't tell you how many times my tank slides down the hill when I slightly turn.

    Cannon shaking: Cannons do not seem to stay steady when trying to aim preciously, they shake a lot and the barrels do not reset to their last position after firing.

    #2 Cannon stabilization: Still waiting for some stabilization on the barrel when moving like on the Mag. It is almost impossible to be moving at a decent pace and hit with accuracy.

    #3 Magnetic Rocks: I find a lot of times if I fly too close to the ground, it will literally pull me to the ground even if I pitch up. And once you get pulled in your cannot escape the pull...

    #4 Tress: Obviously OP, please fix.

    #5 Thermal: Still having issues when everything lights up the same color, mostly on Esamir where everything is bright white and makes it pretty much impossible to see where targets are. 90% of the time I feel like the video below...

    This would be more of a suggestion but: More vehicle cosmetic slots, like with the sundy. I would buy the grill and smoke stacks but they take up the same slot.....This should be changed as they would look amazing with both and with the new frames coming out that will probably be in the same slot as the above.

    Other than that, <3 u guys and still having fun even a year later :)
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  2. WaiZen

    #6 Debris: Lost so many vehicles and lives due to it. NERF THIS ****! :mad:
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  3. MilitiaMan

    Agreed, That honestly makes me want to flip my table.
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  4. KnightCole

    Debris and flipping.....and randonly falling off or through something to my death.

    Those make me beyond purple with mad as a vanu without his spandex..
  5. VanuSovereignty

    I was once playing NC and found an abandoned Reaver under a biolab. I rammed it with my Vanguard, flew in the air, flipped multiple times and landed upside down.
  6. TheRealMetalstorm

    afaik, this particular problem is caused by the pilot having too much vertical velocity as he approaches the ground. but yes, physics is wonky, but only because SOE used an engine that isn't what you would call "made for vehicle-heavy FPS (or any kind of fps for that matter)"
    this is also an issue with the physics. the reason is simple; torque and friction are not treated differently in this game's physics engine (or at least, it appears to have zero difference).
    Steep slope example: IRL, if your vehicle has insufficient torque to climb an incline straight on, you zig-zag up or in the case of a round hill, spiral your way up. This basically spreads the "work done" over a longer distance. Since the net change in potential energy is the same, while the displacement is far greater, this reduces the required force (and hence torque, when multiplied by vehicle-dependent constants e.g. wheel diameter). However, you will find that in PS2, this is not the case. Your tank will slip if the angle between the local W axis and the global Z axis exceeds a set amount.
    Not resetting is perfectly fine, it is probably intended so you need to re-aim after each shot. (much worse for prowlers mind you, if we can't re-aim within 0.5s we lose DPS, while you have your entire reload time to re-aim)
    However the "bobbing" of vehicles is still present. Has to do with the vehicle physics interacting with the force of recoil on the cannon (you can observe this if you balance your tank half over a ledge; firing backwards can push you over)
    Mags have that as a trade off for slower proj. velocity, larger proj. drop, lowest theoretical DPS, as well as worst situational awareness (third person view rotate speed is locked to the rotate speed of the whole mag, unlike other MBTs). It works well with strafe and gives them an edge in several scenarios.
    Not sure how the engine handles pitch, but if it's merely rotating the mass about the pitch axis, then you'll realise that by pitching up, you're also pushing your tail down against the very surface you're trying to turn from.
    Na, good, makes noob pilots crash, and with the new exp fix, I don't have to waste ammo and time chasing down a fleeing failure of a pilot only to have him completely deny me any exp
    Odd, I don't have that issue with my thermal optics. NV no longer highlights btw.
    I only use thermal to see through lolpod smoke and to highlight targets when my framerate drops
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  7. FateJH

    MBT cannons also have a tendency to verr to the side on their own after firing a round (which, for the Prowler, does mean one barrel) from a stationary position. Without user input, the turret will rotate very slowly, usually to the right, and, left to its own devices, though it will take forever, can complete a full revolution.