[BUG] Is this how the GL is supposed to work

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gamer218, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Gamer218

    Just bough a GL for my Gauss Compact S and it only works about 10% of the time and when it does work it has to make direct physical contact with a target. The AOE doesn't even work. I even fired the GL at both my feet and my friend's feet and we took no damage. If this is a bug is SOE working on it? If this is "working as intended" then just wow and it needs to be changed.
  2. Protential

    I am pretty sure grenades detonate, but do 0 dmg unless shot out far enough.

    What I mean,is, they are supposed to have a minimal range before they actually explode.

    Instead they appear to explode but do 0 dmg to close targets.

    The splash damage seems terrible but direct hits are instant kill.
  3. Hobnail

    While its not elegantly implemented I applaud having a minimum fusing distance to avoid noob tubing that infests other fps.

    The perfect implementation would be to have no explosion inside the min distance but for it to do some bullet damage to unarmored targets.
  4. Protential

    Honestly, in this game if you are running around with the grenade launcher out, and are shooting at targets to close to kill them with it, you are asking to die. Even if they are in kill range, you can not reload or fire off another shot, or change weapons fast enough to defend yourself after that first shot, so its really irrelevant.

    Also Noob Tube refers to rocket launchers, not grenade launchers.
  5. Hobnail

  6. Protential

    Pretty sure people were saying nube toob for way longer then CoD.

    The other meaning would be the AWP from CS.(Which is ignorant, considering most newbs will die horrible deaths trying to use this gun)

    Contray to popular beliefs, CoD does not own rights to the FPS world.

    And they do more dmg then good to it.
  7. Gamer218

    I got the GL because in close quarters such as Bio Labs when there is a room full of enemies rather than run straight in like a moron or run away like a wuss I can chuck a grenade and then fire a grenade (double tap rule) to clear it out. Using GLs is a legitimate strategy.
  8. Compass

    There is a bug where the GL rounds do not do any actual damage.

    This is evident on both the Smoke and Standard GL, where the explosion goes off after a significant distance (15m or more) but deals 0 damage to targets.

    I've checked both sets of grenades, and when they work, they should be dealing at least partial damage at ranges below 5m, and full damage around 15m. What we see instead is an explosion but no damage.

    It appears to be attributed to weapon switching.

    Specifically, to at least reduce the chance of this happening, you should always switch to Primary, then to grenade launcher.
    • Up x 1
  9. Isila

    Underbarrel launchers appear to have a minimum arming distance, and also occasionally bug out and do no damage even at range. But regardless of those, it is true that it has a very minimal splash range and damage.

    This is a good thing. It rewards accuracy with extreme spike damage (generally an instagib if the target isn't wearing flak armor), and punishes misses. I still never leave home without it, because being able to instagib a target on command is so extremely valuable.
  10. Lubbe

    Source on the minimum arming distance? pretty sure the underslug launcher is ****** up even the underslug shotgun bugs out and cause no damage
  11. Takoita

    No damage bug happens randomly, but when it wroks the damage and splash are quite good.
  12. KraggTheGrim

    I to got one 2 days ago and have similar issues. I was up on catwalk showering grenades down on people with no damage being registered on the enemy targets despite appearing to be hit by the projectile and seeing the explosions.

    Then add in the other known bug of not being able to reliably resupply the gun. I have tried several situations, and it seems to be completely random if the gun will resupply from my ammo box or not.

    Another bug to add into it is that if your grenade launcher does run out of ammo, you can not mouse wheel out of the gun, you have to use the number keys. Which makes it difficult to rapidly switch between weapons in combat.

    The grenade launcher is not completely useless, i have been able to score kills with it, its just very buggy right now. I hope this items gets sorted out soon.
  13. Bearcat

    I have the underbarrel grenade launcher, and it's definitely buggy. I've hit guys dead on and not dealt any damage many times. I don't know if it's just random, or if it can be reliably duplicated. The one thing I have noticed is that if the first grenade doesn't do damage, then the second will not do damage either. Someone told me that it was caused by a rearm bug from engineers ammo packs, but I never try to reload grenades from those since it has never worked for me (even with that quickly switching back to primary work around).
  14. Isila

    Swing your knife during every reload. Any time you are reloading the launcher (just after firing, after swapping back to it, after picking up ammo from a pack while you're empty...), swing your knife once. This resets the animation and gets it to reload properly, and as long as you're diligent about doing it EVERY reload, you won't have any more problems resupplying.
  15. Compass

    10 minutes of the grenade launcher resupply without it ever breaking using the 1-2 switch.
  16. Rown

    Its really inconsistent. Sometimes the explosions seems to do very little damage, other times I've managed to kill a MAX with three non direct hit alone. (He was trying to camp the teleporter room at a biolab, and was out of sight so I'm sure I wasn't scoring direct hits. Why he didn't move while I shelled him, it's a mystery)

    In any case, when it works properly it's brutal.
  17. Talizzar

    The S version weapons are buggy as heck. I have killed people up close with the GL as they surprised me but I have also watched it do no damage. I have also seen my dual Mercy's on my MAX do no damage to.

    Anyway the reloading issue is supposed to be fixed in the big patch. I hope they address the other issues with these guns.