Is this guy with a 10-1 K/D ratio (playing HA) best player in PS2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BozoDaClown, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. BozoDaClown

    He gets it running around outside, not spawn room farming.
  2. Posse

    Well, he actually steals kills, so he's annoying for us too, btw, being in the same outfit doesn't mean we have to agree on everything, lol. Though personally, I agree with Ender that he's not legit, based both on stats and a few videos I've seen.
  3. Dis

    Packet throttling.

    One of the players mentioned in this thread has perfected it so his hit detection is not affected, but when you shoot at him it's a different story.

    Just a theory.
  4. Rogueghost

    In single session as HA I've managed to maintain a 15k/d with a high 2 or even 3 KPM, my all time best in an hour being having a 105 k/d (105 kills 1 death) and a kpm of 1.75 playing as VS heavy with the Orion. This is very rare and only when I'm fighting very bad/ new players, early Saturday morning ghost cap platoons being the best targets.

    Of course maintaining that outside of a 1 hour play session is next to impossible for me, a single slip up or going to the wrong fight causes all those pretty numbers to crash, but you only asked if I could pull that off for a single session, which I have.
  5. uhlan

    When people think of hackers they often think of the guys glitching around and such. Aimbotters are far harder to spot. In fact, unless they are absolutely blatant, they are almost never caught. Aimbotting involves hit location manipulation and not necessarily constant headshots.

    Even so, calling someone out for cheating without an ounce of proof is really pathetic. Speculating on an open forum is also fairly low.
  6. Paperlamp

    I'm glad I found this post, 'cause I play on Connery and this dude and his squad was absolutely ruining my day this one time. Glad to know he's sort of an exceptional case, as I felt like I was bumbling idiot playing against them.
  7. Posse

    >less than 1 KPM
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  8. CaptHaddock

    Congratulations, you got 100 kills in 2.5 hours. He gets 100 kills in less than one hour.

    That's the impossible part
  9. sindz

    No, stop thinking KD ration means anything, you can stat pad all you want and get that easy. As a matter of fact a guy proved this by getting a 500 kd/ratio as sniper.

    These COD kids and their KD ratio, holy **** its pathetic.
  10. Kamikaize

    Here's the video

    Nivx is legit. :rolleyes:

    inb4 "his mouse just messed up is all that was"
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  11. GRiMtox

    I was farming warpgate bling bling.

    Doesn't change a bit about my statement: if you play in an effective team, you dont get such a very good K/D.
  12. Frizzbro

    buncha bads. get good or get wrekt
  13. Fortress

  14. CaptHaddock

    Then you understand how doing this every game session, all the way to BR100, is impossible. That is my point, the people that can achieve this and single play sessions understand how impossible this is to achieve nonstop all the way to BR 100
  15. Makora

    Looking at those stats... high KD be damned but those guys are friggin boooooooooooooorrrrrriiiiing. 38k kills with a single weapon? Just how unimaginative can you get!? I got a friend who honestly ditched the heavy assault outright when he got all the LMG's on his character auraxiumed. Every LMG. I slog through the last 500 kills of a weapon because I have simply grown bored with it. I might of gotten a hang of it and be doing really well but I simply have no motivation besides the 200 "free" certs at the end of the line.

    Their accuracies aren't off the chart so I can only guess is that they are VERY selective with their fights. And I mean "Oh, four enemies instead of three. Redeploy."
  16. Posse

    Shooting a guy is just as fun with the Orion as it is with the SVA, or the Flare, or any other LMG. Why wouldn't you use the best one?
  17. Paperlamp

    I wish they'd just remove it. Many players would be better off and get better XP/minute, and of course there'd be more effective pushes. I swear I've been in spawn rooms that outnumber the attackers but people only hang in there shooting out at them except for the few unfortunates who try to push and no one follows so they inevitably die for actually trying to defend.

    I'm guilty of this myself sometimes though, it's hard when so many others are doing it that it kind of gets to be a domino effect and you kind of figure it's hopeless trying and you might as well farm some kills from inside like everyone else.
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  18. Yaj

    This is how you know SOE doesn't care about cheaters... or bad at it.
  19. Konfuzfanten

    IF you want to get those +2 KPM, insanely high K/D and hackusation, but aint great at PS2?

    Here is how:

    Step 1: get a decent computer and connection.
    Step 2: Get 2 SOE accounts + download PS2
    Step 3: Join the same server and fraction with both accounts
    Step 4: You make a Tracker and a Stat-padder account.
    Steo 5: You play your Tracker account, until a good biofarm or Tower farm shows up.
    Step 6: Log out with your Tracker account, log in with Stat padder account.
    Step 7: Farm until the biolap or tower farm is done.
    Step 8: log out immediately and back in with your Tracker.
    Step 9: Make a post about it on Forumside and get the epic hackusation thread!

    Get with the program. This has been done since the dawn of stat padding.

    Bonus info:
    If you are an adult you just buy 2 decent computers and make sure that the Stat-padder account always is on the character select screen.
  20. Zassik

    Yeah that's the most likely way people get a ridiculously high K/D and KPM...use two accounts.

    What are you guys smoking that defend this crap?