Is there any way to actually use the Enforcer C85 Modified Effectively?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasterDemoman, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. Paqu

    It takes 4 indirect hits from Saron to kill infantry without nano or flak. And that is if they land right next to the target. Just a little bit distance in between and it takes full mag to kill one guy without any armor upgrades. So in other words you hardly get kills from indirect hits, its the direct hits that matter. The OHK was OP as heck like I mentioned before and making Saron requiring 3 hits would make it pretty much useless against infantry as that would take half the magazine to get one kill if all shots lands.

    And like I mentioned Enforcer has almost twice the ammo in a clip compared to Saron so even tho having slower rate of fire you get more opportunities to take down infantry before needing to reload.

    Also you cant just look at one weapon and make judgements from there as you need to consider where its mounted and how it works as a whole. Vanguard with its shield and superior armor + AP turret + Enforcer is a lot better at killing enemy armor as Magrider with AP cannon + Saron is.
  2. MykeMichail

    Enforcer does 150 at 0.5 m. Meaning it would take 7 indirect hits below 50 cm away to kill 1 infantry (no nanoweave or flak)

    Saron on the other hand does 350 damage. So 3 indirect hits below 50 cm to kill 1 infantry.

    So with direct hits - Saron can kill 3 infantry per magazine, Enforcer kills 5 infantry per magazine
    With indirect hits - Sauron can kill 2 infantry per magazine, Enforcer can kill 1 and a bit.

    Looking at it another way, if you get a direct hit with a Saron, any shot that hits within 1.46 M of the target (assuming they actually have that level of damage calculation in the game, which I doubt, so lets go with 1.25 m) will finish the target off.

    Scoring a direct hit with the Enforcer though, will leave the target with 150 HP. Another direct hit for max splash will leave the target at 0 hp. So basically, you need 3 hits to kill if you score one direct hit and only get splash the second time around, whereas the Saron will kill with 3 hits from splash only.

    Considering the Enforcer fires so much slower, giving the target a much greater chance to react, I'm thinking that realistically, more often than not, you're not going to get an easy follow-up.

    You say that the Vanguard is better at killing armor like that means it should be worse at killing infantry. Yet the Vulcan still happily rips through infantry almost as good as a Kobalt and a Prowler still eats tanks when deployed despite being the best anti-infantry tank in the game.

    Yet again, NC are expected to make choices on their load outs whereas TR and VS get one size fits all weaponry.
  3. EViLMinD

    I was never in favor of nerfing the Fury. What bugged me is that the Marauder wasn't as well. It's a more pure AI gun that can kill more softies in one mag than the Fury ever could. The runs I've had with DVSDelrith, and TR gunners I've met, have shown me how much better the Marauder is at killing mass infantry. It's a very powerful gun. Sucks vs armor, but who cares. I just run from stuff I can't fight.

    Yes, I'm all for the Modified being re-designed so that it's on par with the Marauder.

    I'd also buff the regular Enforcer so that it's as useful as the Vulcan. ALL skilled/experienced NC prefer the Halberd over the Enforcer; especially, on the Harasser.

    Why not give the Enforcer more splash damage so it can be more effective against infantry? It doesn't have to one hit infantry, like it used to, it just needs to be more forgiving. I'd be willing to reduce the Enforcer's mag size to say... 8? Whatever way is best, the Harasser's Enforcer definitely needs to become a more viable option to the Halberd. Not outshine it, just be as good.
  4. CrashB111

    This is all a product of Harasser AV being OP in general and nearly impossible to balance. They never should have given a damn jeep the kind of weapons that belong on a MBT.
  5. EViLMinD

    Perhaps, but it's fun as hell to fight a MBT with my buggy. Armor and firepower vs speed and agility.

    If I have a good gunner, the only thing that can stop me is a lib or an overwhelming number of forces. Even those I can deal with by running away or ducking under structures.
  6. isilyan

    This weapon is a Uber Hipster Shotgun :)
    This weapon is even worse than the PPA, but when it comes to seconds TR has the best by a long shot atm:rolleyes:
  7. Paqu

    I got my numbers by testing them in VR. Saron took 4 indirect hits even when I shot right next to a target. So one more than the stats might tell. 50cm in between and its a full clip. However enforcer took 6 indirect hits even tho you might think its 7 like you said based on stats.

    So yeah ok its slightly easier to kill infantry with Saron, but really the difference is very small. With Saron on real combat situation its usually a clip / kill. As you cant shoot as fast with Enforcer + bigger clip its much more likely you have shots left on another target after a kill. I've been running with my AP + Saron Mag for a week now with a friend who is the gunner. I can tell you its the infantry that causes the biggest problem as we both pretty much rely on direct hits.

    Now Iam not saying its any easier with Vanguard on AP + Enforcer setup, but its hardly any harder either. Saron isn't suchs of a infantry killer as you make it sound. So in a nutshell Vanguard is much better against armor than Magrider and Mag is slightly better against infantry with its AP setup.

    The Prowler and the Vulcan is another story, but personally I have no problems with the Vulcan as long as its mounted on a tank, but on top of a Harasser... well thats just crazy.
  8. hansgrosse

    Just make it an Air Hammer. Best idea I've heard.
  9. NinjaTurtle

    Yes leave it behind and take the Halberd instead