Is there a hotkey to turn off the HUD?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CletusMcGuilly, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. CletusMcGuilly

    Would be really nice for on the go screenshots/video.
  2. nick779

    yes, check the general tab
  3. DashRendar

    There is but mine didn't work stock. I bound it to ~ and all is good.
  4. Loegi

    Don't think so, only one that turns of the whole GUI, that includes the redeploy screen. Might've changed though, only tried it before they merged the map and redeploy screen.
  5. Czuuk

    CTRL F10 turns off the HUD.
    CTRL F11 turns off your gun.

    Or the other way. I do it all the time for video caps.
  6. Loegi

    And if you die? I couldn't redeploy when I did that the last time I tried.
  7. Czuuk

    Turn the HUD back on?

    Not actually sure if that works. My memory is fuzzy. I may have died once with the HUD off and had to ALT-F4.

    But that wasn't the question.
  8. CletusMcGuilly

    Found it, listed as Toggle UI under the general keybindings tab. I was looking for something with the words "Draw HUD" in it and skipped right over it. Thank you for your replies.