Is the population issue hitting melt down point?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jourmand1r, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Jourmand1r

    Your choices in PS2 currently:

    1. Go to the Crown or a Biolab and fight in a giant buggy uncoordinated zergfest.

    2. Join your outfit and cap empty bases.

    I've yet to see these spontaneous giant battles anywhere.

    All i see are giant tank zergs and continents that are entirely one color.
  2. Jourmand1r

  3. Yil

    Yeah, it's nuts how the perception in these forums and the perception of actual players is so radically different. :oops:
  4. badname02

    That's true and that's why I believe they should implement their idea of a metagame ASAP. But I have the feeling of freedom in this game, which I don't really have in BF3. Probably purely due to size differences though. But then again I'm mostly willing to compare this to other F2P games since there's nothing like this out there =p And definitely not with this much potential.

    Comparing this to BF3 outside of the Conquest style gameplay; BF3 wins hads down (of course) because it's a nicely finished product (or at least it was last time I played a few months ago) and all =p
  5. Yil

    Ah. :rolleyes:
  6. Jourmand1r

    You can't include a nonexistant metagame from the future as an excuse for the game as it stands today.

    So far there is no meta game, they havent announced one for the future, they havent even CONCEPTUALIZED a metagame at this point.

    So far all they have said (not included smedleys blog from AUGUST) is that they are working on an optimization patch that wont be out until late january.
  7. Jourmand1r

    Want me to post a sceencap of my login screen?

    Take your ad hominem elsewhere, especially when you don't even know what time it is.
  8. r.Tek

    I noticed how you haven't said anything about my play time despite my perception of this game being so much different from yours. I wonder why.
  9. Yil

    I don't see our perceptions being that different, you just haven't convinced me that your play experience tonight had anything to do with low population.
  10. Yil

    Har, pot kettle black? Like I've said twice 2am Waterson was well populated. :p
  11. Jourmand1r


    And before you say anything, i'm waiting on the apex helmet later this week.
  12. ShinyToyPaladin

    Population is a huge problem atm. Too many servers and capping empty points is NOT fun. All the other complaints about the game I can deal with, because even though the games not perfect, it's a whole lot of fun. But running around looking for fights is not, and in addition to upsetting existing players, new players will see how much of a ghost town the game is and leave.
  13. r.Tek

    You're absolutely right. My play experience tonight or any other day on Planetside had absolutely nothing to do with the low populations! So I don't understand why I made this angry rant video!

    Yeah all that driving around and capturing empty bases has absolutely nothing to do with the populations.
  14. Jourmand1r

    You sound like a cool dude. Too bad you are a fascist monster and I'll have to liberate you someday.
  15. Gavyne

    Do you honestly think they're not going to do anything else or add metagame to planetside 2? I mean do you really, honestly, with your hands up, believe that? That's just naive and being contrary just for the sake of being contrary. Why in the world would SOE create a game and not add onto it?

    So far we know after they add more continents, they'll add continent locking mechanism. I heard this from a dev on Friday Night Ops recently.

    So far we know they want to add player controlled bases, and that makes sense because this is a MMOFPS for a reason. It fits the MMO nature of it. Like Dark Age of Camelot, giving Outfits the ability to claim bases and improve their structural defense will make these standard bases even more fun to attack & defend in.

    So far we know they want to add resource gathering, like starcraft, and if you look at how this game is built it naturally would work. This game's foundation is all about resources. You take and lose bases and you gain/lose resources. So why would you doubt that this is something they'll add in the future?

    We can most definitely talk about the non-existent future content because ALL MMO'S are released as barebones. The largest MMO in the world launched in 2007 without PvP honor point system, without battlegrounds, with only 1 raid dungeon. But yet people played WoW, people PvP'ed without reward or cause or reason, they did so because it was fun. Things eventually got added, it took Blizzard 6 months to add battlegrounds and PvP rewards. It took Blizzard 6+ months to fix the lag issues, instance crashing, and continents crashing due to too many people zerging in world PvP. But hey, things eventually got fixed, content added, and the game is nothing but a success story.

    If you want to be contrary that's fine. But it's quite naive to think for a second that SOE won't be expanding this game and that they would settle with just keeping it the same as you see today. That's just one of the most ridiculous things to believe. Even if you dislike SOE, and believe me I have my own beef with SOE, you can at least acknowledge they do release games that people want to play. I hated EQ2 at first being an EQ1 vet, but EQ2 now is their largest MMO and lots of people are enjoying it. It took SOE over a year to revamp EQ2 into a decent game by the way.
  16. Yil

    LOL, that's not a low population issue that's population distribution problems. A player problem (and one the devs need to fix by herding the lemmings about better), not a population problem. :rolleyes:
  17. iKickz

    All I know from playing connery. All the bandwagon nubs join TR and camp Crown on indar. VS Pushes hard on every map when they have the people, and NC avoids everyone. That being said, more people play TR and NC. I'm almost always outnumbered, so as VS It's better to push and attack first before they can set up and attack me.
  18. RexGoliath

    This opinion is from someone who doesn't care about the rest of the arguing in this thread. From my perspective, the facts are this:

    -I am playing PS2, but notice the battles include less people and quickly I realize things are not the same as before.

    -I check the sever population and it says "LOW" when it was "Medium" when I created a character.

    -I think I would like to move to a sever with a higher population, because I enjoy playing with more people. Then I learn that server transfers are not available. I am sad.

    -Sony, please merge servers or make character transfer a possibility. I want to have fun again.

    Side note: I thought it was possible that the times I was playing were a factor in the server population. Not the case. I checked server population over the course of the day and in what would be considered peak time periods. Server population LOW and few people playing in game. Only decent battles are at the major cap points.
  19. r.Tek

    A distribution problem? There was nobody online!
  20. Gavyne

    Empty base capping has to do with lazy players that want to get points while doing little. It's path to least resistance, I'm sure people have heard this term before. It's often used to describe gamers, because gamers will always find the path to least resistance. I personally am playing this game to fight and die, and I'm glad Genudine is still good at battling over Indar. I can't speak for other servers and other people, because there are always people that'll want to get xp points without having to fight for it.

    Yes it's something the devs will have to address, because while I prefer the freedom this game gives you, I know for the sake of the game's health the devs will have to implement locking and force people to fight over something. I never liked having the game tell me where to go, but for the sake of the game, I'd rather see that than seeing people continue to avoid fighting just to get xp without doing much.