Is the NC weak?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jamaicanchampion, Dec 17, 2016.

  1. The Shady Engineer

    Due to finals and weird night shift work hours, I actually have been playing in those morning hours almost exclusively for the past couple weeks and I gotta say, I think it's confirmation bias on your part.

    I've lead off hour squads and been a part of off hour platoons and from my experience, we (TR) focus the Vanu more because they have the most population and as a result, most territory. Problem is every now and then you hit a roadblock in the form of a tower, bio lab, Quartz ridge- Howling pass esque 3 pointers etc, where a cap is impossible unless you hellzerg it. That's when we switch our attention to NC to snatch up some extra territory.

    From what I noticed, early hours NC is great when attacking but very hit or miss on the defence. I've seen a squad and a half of dudes with anchors tie up our platoon for a good 3-4 minutes until re inforcements arrived and we got kicked out but I've also seen NC in early hours lose bio labs with 70% overpop. Hard to say whether it's the equipment that's letting them down or the quality of players that play in those hours.
  2. Rebelgb

    Seems to me they are. I would much rather fight NC 1000X than VS once. Seems on Emerald TR does just fine against NC but we lose more often to not to VS in big fights. I feel like im a BR100 when I play NC. Against VS I truly realize how much I suck. There are some veteran players on NC that absolutely rock and own people non stop, but they are few and far between.
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  3. Caramboul

    NC is propably the strongest faction if there is teamwork. Even teamwork with solo randoms not only outfits or platoons.
    Rarely but sometimes i have seen that good behaviour and then NC always won the battle even with less players.

    NC is strong.. in theory most the time.
  4. BoomerMk2

    NC recoil is vastly overstated. They've got some of the most accurate weapons in the game. Pulling down on the mouse isn't hard.
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  5. Scifi

    NC isn't weak, we've just got weapons from Walmarts bargain basement with 99% off..

    What we need is some more flashy weapons like the TR/VS have.
  6. Anonynonymous

    The problem with the NC is that NC vehicles are crap for combined arm teamwork. For example, Vanguards are absolutely pathetic at fighting infantries, who are the ones that actually capture objectives in this game. So as soon as Vanguards manage to drive away the enemy armors, they just sit around and can't do a damn thing about the remaining infantries. They can't provide effective fire support cause of the stupidly long reloads on their main guns. And that roof top shotgun turret requires Vanguards to drive close to be useful, and a big and slow tank being up close to infantry usually means death by C4s and mines.

    Also, NC seldom have any air power on any of the servers for some reason. Probably because Reaver's clumsy handling means they can't really farm infantry as effective as the other two ESF since the Air Hammer tweak.

    Just about all the NC specific vehicles armaments are painfully lagging behind in infantry kills compared to the other two factions. People criticizes NC only plays infantryside need to know that NC vehicles are just downright pathetic at supplementing infantry's fighting capabilities, thus few NC pull vehicles unless they're under constant enemy vehicle threats.
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  7. Masyaka

    Vanguards will loose both to magriders and deployed prowlers at range, but if they get close they can use shield to get a significant advantage.
  8. User8888

    My experience as a new NC player is that i find it hard to get a good battle. The automated spawn system is so annoying, instant battle sends me to be farmed by larger groups, same outfits judging by tag name, we end up 3-4 infantry players killed by br100 with planes and infiltrators. Than i try to manually find a region where i can have some fun takes about 1hour and when i find one, after i die i get sent on the other side of the map cause i accidentally hit respawn without checking the point destination and it changed randomly.

    Beside this the game is fun, and the issues above could be avoided with experience i guess, will take more time.
  9. wolf113

  10. LaughingDead


    Resist gives you a 40% resistance.
    You have 1000 HP
    40% of 1000 is 400
    1000+400= 1400
  11. wolf113

  12. VhynSeven

    Sorry but your maths are wrong.

    The exact formula is : Effective Health = base Health / reduced damage

    Wich means, for a damage reduction of 40%, the damage is reduced to 60%. So the effective Health is : 1000/0.60 = 1666.67 Health.

    I can prove it easily : imagine I have a damage reduction of 50%. Which means, damage dealt to me are halved. This is the same as having twice as much health. or : 1000/0.50 = 2000.

    On a side note, full Nanoweave + MNG is the same as having 1875 Health (1500/0.80 = 1875).
  13. wolf113

    On a side note, full Nanoweave + MNG is the same as having 1875 Health (1500/0.80 = 1875).[/quote]

    Nanoweave + NMG = 1650

    Nanoweave/Flak armor bonuses only apply when NMG is inactive/depleted.
  14. Anonynonymous

    Again, the whole point isn't Vanguard can't fight armors. It's the fact Vanguards isn't even nearly close of a force multiplier compared to Magriders or Prowlers when paired up with friendly infantry. A properly combined armed NC force will pretty much ALWAYS lose to a properly combined armed opposition. The Vanguard simply offers no synergy what-so-ever.

    Currently the Prowlers are the king of infantry fire support. Magriders are also pretty good at CQCing foot soldiers with strafe aiming and bumper car tactics thanks to it's omni-directional movements. While Vanguards has.... a shield that offers nothing when pitted against infantry beside as a last ditch surviving tool. Vanguard's stupidly slow main gun reload combined with the sluggish handling is the bane of it's existence as infantry fighting support. The canister roof top turret is also an extremely poor anti-infantry match to a sluggish tank like Vanguard. There's a reason that NC outfits are often the one doing battle sundies, cause that's pretty much the only real infantry fire support option NC's got.

    This pretty much relegated Vanguards to dedicated tank destroyer mode. Which's something, right? Except not really. The way Vanguards win tank engagements is pretty much by outlasting the opposition tanks, due to Vanguard's comparably abysmal DPS. So when the dusts settled and the Vanguards are left standing and feeling proud of themselves, the enemy tanks and other vehicles would've done all the damage they needed to everything else to turn the tide anyway. I can't count how many time I manage to kill multiple enemy vehicles on my own, and still couldn't save the sunderer or the infantries I was trying to protect.

    In short, Vanguards need more or less a COMPLETE redesign. Perhaps lose some of it's anti-vehicle prowess, and in exchange for it to be better at supplementing infantry's firepower. Before that happens, if ever, NC is doomed to a spiral of consistently losing alerts and continents unless overpop'd.
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  15. Masyaka

    Use lightings for HE farm. Vanguard is the best vehicle for close-range fightings, both TR and VS will loose to it if the driver is skilled and has a shield. At range vanu can dodge and TR have deploy mode.
  16. LaughingDead

    Ok blerp, I messed that part up, granted, however the math still works out that VS and TR LMGs always outdps's NC LMGs.