Is the medic an AV class & is the Infiltrator a Defensive class?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. Jubikus

    Yes but game design isnt black and white either what one person thinks of an item in game and what its intended roles are may not be the same as the game designer. From what i gather you see C4 as AV and shouldnt be on the medic class because of so. However from what i can tell it seems like it was designed for AE (anti Everthing) if you can get it to it than you can kill it. The Medic doesnt fit the role of killing air or tanks but it does need it for dealing with maxes as all infantry units do outside of infiltrator which has its cloak and therefor is not allowed to have C4. Essentially C4 was designed for all infantry like medkits with the exception of infiltrators because of cloak as an option to deal with maxes and various other situations that may come up when pushing toward an objective. However this is just what i perceive its roll to be intended as and may not be the case i didnt make the game................
  2. Scr1nRusher

    Look at the games design history.

    This is cleary one of the items that they didn't think about and just rushed out the door to compete with the BF guys.

    If C4 wasn't lethal against Heavy Armor, then maybe this game & this whole discussion would be a different story.

    That makes things WORSE.

    Thats lazy design. Also you can do it surprisingly easily depending on method & battle situation.

    Which is a good thing.

    What classes are good against MAX's?

    HA's & Engineers.

    Also generally speaking any class or group of classes can take down MAX's by just shooting at them.

    Thats HUGE problem.

    Not all classes need or deserve C4.

    C4 should only be on the Engineer(Demolitions) & the LA.

    You could make the argument the HA should have it, but then you have a issue where the HA can do to many things & handle to many situations.

    I know your smarter that this. I refuse to believe that you were not hammered when making this sentence.

    Infiltrators don't have C4 for 2 reasons.

    1) It doesn't fit the class

    2) It would be imbalanced against vehicles & groups of infantry(ohh wait they have proxy mines that they can use against groups by cloaking into a group and putting mines down in it..............)
  3. Jogido

    it's a long thread so I might be mistaken, but I have not seen you actually give a sold reasons to defend you ideas other than
    • You're thinking it terms of game design
    • It doesn't make sense
      • medic isn't an AV class
      • Infills shouldn't be able lay mines
      • etc
    You keep mentioning Game Design...and the history of Game lets see some game designing.

    Hows does your ideas actually make the game play better?
    How well will it play?
    Will any trickle down changes be needed as result of adjustments?
    How will this effect the meta?
    Is the current design actually bad? (solid reasons)
    Is any class actually an AV class?
    ....or is it that classes have different ranks of AV capability?
    ...on that note, Is the medic's AV capability too high on that scale? (second to lowest) it defined somewhere that combat medics shouldn't AV
    ...Should they even be allowed assault rifles?
    Can AI mines be used offensively a trap on enemy territory offensive?
    Is it defined somewhere that Infiltrators can't contribute to defense?
    etc etc
  4. QQmore

    The reason every class is allowed C4 is specifically in this game as a balance point.

    You (Scr1nrusher) see it differently. You see c4 as a tool that should fill a more limited role presumably, as a deadly anti-vehicle weapon/trap. It already is. I'm not sure how it would benefit gameplay for anyone if c4 was only useful against vehicles.

    Maxes would become significantly more difficult to deal with.

    C4 is available to as many classes as it is in my opinion to be a hard counter to maxes, specifically over-extended and camping maxes. As a max C4 is easily avoidable unless you have over extended or are solo to begin with because when you are a max running with your infantry buddies it's hard for anyone to get close enough to use c4. The reason this is good is it keeps maxes from walking into a room and winning a DPS war with several infantry unless they have backup. When a max breaches a room a damage trade begins and c4 is a sure fire way to end a maxes rampage. Being vigilant as a max along with target prioritization is very important when breaching and especially so when you are outnumbered which is why breaching as a solo max usually gets you killed, this is intentional. Maxes are very teamwork oriented just like the rest of the classes. Maxes greatest DPS is up close and personal where their TTK is extremely low, infantry also has a weapon that has a low TTK when used properly against a max. It costs nanites like the max. Giving a class like the combat medic C4 is actually smart because a smart medic will often be one of the last targeted by a breaching max giving a squad one last chance to recover from an incoming max.

    During early design of PS2 many devs had decided that maxes wouldn't be in PS2 due to difficulty of balancing them properly. C4 was undoubtedly the answer for OP maxes and has worked quite well.

    As far as being able to throw them at clumps of infantry like a grenade, who cares? Seriously, life is cheap in PS2. If a guy wants to spend 100 nanites on an explosive and maybe get like 2 or 3 kills fine, people shouldn't stand still on C4 when it's thrown at you. It's blast radius is tiny. Those dudes respawn or get rezed within 10 seconds anyway. It's like complaining that guns shoot bullets.
  5. Scr1nRusher

    Thats a big problem, but its fixable.

    Because I've actually spent time doing game design stuff.

    On that note, which classes truely deserve to have it/make the most practical/direct usage of it?

    Engineer & LA.

    You could throw in HA in there aswell, but they already have RL's & AV grenades to fill that role, so C4 is just unnecessary.

    C4 on the medic is absolutely stupid.

    The Problem with C4 is that it does too much, is too strong & is on too many classes.

    SOE Should have did this:

    C4 - Anti-Infantry(Including MAX) & Anti Light Armor(ESF,Flash,Harasser,Valkyrie). CANNOT damage Heavy Armor, but has a big blast radius.

    Satchel Charges - Anti-Heavy Armor(MBT's,Sunderers,Lightnings,Liberators,Galaxies,Base turrets) & extremely strong against MAX's. Small blast radius.

    The games changed & there is more ways to kill them.

    But thats a gimmick that doesn't work in the long run.

    Medics are a big target. No medics, no more troops.

    But its silly how the class thats supposed to be saving allies that die, is going around blowing stuff up.

    Really counter-acts the classes existence.

    But clearly(as time has shown) it HASN'T worked well in balancing MAX's.

    Also time has shown the SOE guys screwed up balance over time.

    I'm not complaining about that aspect of C4.............
  6. HannaDest

    You are totally right, Medics with C-4 is the sole biggest problem this game has right now. Listen to this man, he knows what is important.