Is the Emerald VS More Dedicated To the Objective Than TR or NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AFK1, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. Yuukikun

    I am not stating these as undeniable facts. I am simply giving more ideas to why things could have turned out the way they did using basic psychology and sociology principles, such as when confronted to a choice in an environment where a person knows barely anything at all (making your first which is also most of the time main character), they will tend to chose something they can identify to or have the best first impression of considering their own personality, ideologies and life experiences. You are free to agree or disagree with me and I'd be glad to know what you think about it.
  2. DG-MOD-04

    Please remember to stay on topic, post constructively, and post appropriately.

    Thank you!
  3. Roland2TowerCame

    It's so nice to have one's work noticed. :)
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  4. Schizomatic

    The mods are out in force, guys.

    VS, quit posting your erotic fanfics about multi-tentacled hentai alien crossovers with popular anime characters and certain members of the Twilight cast. Seriously, EdwardxVanu. Seriously? One night, guys. Just one night. I beg of you.

    TR, you do NOT use gun lube in that manner. Don't give me that look. You know what we ALL use it for on the side. Put it away until the mods leave please. Kthx, comrades.

    NC. Just...NC. WTF, over?
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  5. 7 Drunk Midgets

    When outfits like Future Crew, BAID, or Dropping Purple Smoke show up to a fight, things can get tense. Most of the time, however, Connery VS get rolled just as much as any other faction does.
  6. Famif

    I tried some TR and NC alts on Emerald (mattherson) and I felt really REALLY sorry for the players in those two factions. Bros, the VS are like, professional murderers on Emerald and yes, they do a ton of suiciding the point. Most of my fights on TR or NC involved people cursing each other in prox chat to run to the point or piss off.

    Plus, VS players have a ton of voice-modded players, comedians, music players and professional DJs and the outfits are very objective-heavy. They are always looking for some kind of challenge.

    Seems to be the same deal after not playing for a few months.