Is the cheating/aimbotting/etc really that bad?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Calmdown, Feb 6, 2014.

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  1. Badname3073

    Yesterday I alt-tabbed in my spawn room to do something irrelevant, then when I got back there was the deployment screen. The log at players side shows "n/a" kill. What's mysterious, the in-game kill feed in the chat window was empty (it contained my own recent kills, but nothing on who killed me). It was not necessarily a cheat, yet I wonder what that was.
  2. hostilechild

    Actually was silly at times on Connery last night. A number(4) of TR from an outfit all very high BR were just crazy headshot happy, super aim while adada at mid+ range. Peakaboo, take 4 headshots from 50m plus. Turn a corner 4 headshots as fast as we could recognize each other, i didn't even get a knife off, point blank hipfire all headshots (insta death good ole latency). One max at 100m plus shredding any infantry running between buildings (very short run). LA just appearing in middle of rooms.
    All 4 of these were BR 95+ so well maybe they are good right? MLG pros? But no skill can compensate for cof, walls and gun limitations, reacton times sure (but ever tried to shoot someone in head hipfire while running into them pointblank at a corner?).

    Checked stats, all 4.5 kd plus mostly infantry, little max play. (20% avg headshots seems fine.) 29-30% accuracy across all guns(really good but odd consistency, i have a 10% difference between lmg/smg/etc.) but over all infantry accuracy 15% thinking how the ****. Then notice 1 or 2 guns with <5% accuracy and 1,000,000 of shots fired explained that. Then see TR MAX ai gun accuracy 50% my hacksaws are around that barely, then the 60% AA accuracy (wtf he only shoot <150m at ESF? post nerf even that would be amazing?). All 4 of these guys almost same stats.

    Was a lot of "chatter" about it, So i am like, screw it i will log my TR (can't beat them join them? well spy). After every fight or during down time they were emptying tons of bullets into walls. (sure this helps the engie get xp) But how do you keep a 29-30% accuracy across the board doing this? And a high k/d running and gunning (but that is how you keep a 500-600xp/min as infantry).

    Pretty good teamwork by them to take a room. LA shows up in middle (c4) then blasting people, defense turns to a wtf and kills him if lucky with his hyperspeed exploit. As the others rush in from outside. Coordinated attack on points/gens that would be tough to take otherwise.

    Anyway first time i have ran into them and fight TR a lot. Hell i would actually have preferred trying to dislodge FCRW from a tower or biolab instead of fighting them. (on average i find TR rather easy but not these ones) Dam my butt hurt(actually it didn't died as fast as i saw them so no pain), Thank god for all the low BR Pub fodder running with them.
  3. JacDoom

    Did you report them hostilechild? Get a video of them? Because, if what you say is true, that seems rather blatant. Almost as if they weren't even trying to hide it.
  4. hostilechild

    Yep, reported as did a few others. Squad mate got a video of the LA just appearing behind the maxes to drop c4, figure at least he will be gone.

    exploit i saw recently, you Can scale vertical walls by simply a slight look down and hit jump as fast as you can. spiderman heavies!!
    • Up x 1
  5. JacDoom

    I've noticed recently (after falling off the edge a few times when attacking) that I'm able run all the way around the Scarred Mesa plateau without plummeting to my death.
  6. IamDH

    Impossible to tell.

    The logical answer would be no tho
  7. WaRadius

    Painfields will send you to the deployment screen instantly if you stay alive inside for too long. It won't be shown in the log and you won't leave a corpse.
  8. Badname3073

    Shouldn't it be marked as "suicide" then, rather than "n/a"?
  9. WaRadius

    Maybe it shouldn't even be counted as a death because it looks more like a forced redeployment.
  10. Xien

    Clearly this is a "latency" issue! Also client side hit detection!
  11. Xien

    Well, obviously um...... client side hit detection! Also you are just bad - what's your K/D? I bet it's low and you have no idea what you're talking about.
  12. Xien


    What are you guys gonna do when Sony finally cracks down? Or you think they never will?
  13. Xien

    Because if it can be chalked up to lag, it always is lag, and nothing else, at all, ever.
  14. Xien

    Looks like a clear case of CSHD! Client Side Hit Detection!
  15. Xien

    This just illustrates how woefully ignore the "stats, therefore not hacker" crowd is. Look how easy is to manipulate your stats to keep your accuracy low even while using an aim assist program. All they have to is position their keyboard on the mouse and go to the bathroom while the engi drops an ammo pack every few minutes...
  16. Posse

    Bads like you thinking we're hacking is the highest compliment we can receive, keep going :D
  17. Villanuk

    Yes cheating is still around in tanks, or buds that people exploit.
  18. Xien

    You can spin it however you want, but you won't silence me. Sorry! :D
  19. LT_Latency

    He is right, Dude, There aren't that many hackers. This theory that tons of people are using hacks that just simulate normal play is silly. Why not just play normally if your hack doesn't actually help you do better.

    I can win gun fights against almost any player gun fighting aim bot is almost impossible.

    I like to snipe at pretty close range against huge mobs of players. I can just stand there droppping in and out of stealth and shooting for long periods of time with almost no one returning fire well. If the pack was full of hackers I should be getting hammered with very accruate return fire. This almost never happens
  20. Xien

    I've already addressed and debunked this line of reasoning ITT.

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