Is Mana Turret replaceable

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Gearlock, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Gearlock

    Meaning, can I loadout without one? I love anti tank mines, but I love ammo box more. I feel its shank that i always carry around that slot with a useless turret that only does one thing: gets me killed by making me stationary.

    So can you swap that pos out? Im at work and cant attempt but a couple days ago when I tried to change my loadout, it only showed mana turret available. And the "get more" button did not show anything other than the turret. My buddy said he read somewhere you might be able to change it so..

    Is this a permanent crutch I have to carry around until they finally make it useful?? Or am I not seeing how you would replace it on the loadout screen.

    I appreciate your feedback, and thank you in advance.
  2. Zap-Robo

    You have to carry the turret, but hitting B pre-deployment will switch it to an Ammo Box. You can then either deploy two Ammo Boxes, or have mines/C-4 and still have access to an Ammo Box.
  3. Riftmaster

    Thing is they never TELL you that, you have to find out from other players...

    But yes, you hit B while your ACE is out to switch between turret deploy and ammo box deploy.

    If you have an ammo box in your utility slot you can deploy 2 ammo boxes though, so if you go more for the supporting role that's useful...
  4. Gearlock

    That is fantastic news, and I am very grateful for that.

    So you can actually PLACE 2 different ammo boxes huh. That's pretty hot too but I'm more interested in the mines and ammo box combo.

    Again that is fantastic news, and I will give that a shot. I'm not 100% sure on what you mean by pre-deployment but I will certainly figure it out from here.

    Thank you again
  5. Gearlock

    That clears things up, thanks so much you guys!
  6. Riftmaster

    By "pre-deployment" he means when you bring your ACE out to deploy a turret but have not deployed it yet...

    ACE is...*checkes wiki* Advanced Construction Engine...
    This thing...
  7. Ghostfox

    It is part of the ACE and thus not removable. However, I do hope they expand the functionality of the ACE.

    I am still a fan of letting any sort of depolyable that the Engineer can use be constructed via the ACE.. .would greatly expand our flexibility.
  8. Gearlock

    Yes, irony is Ive been on this forum (engineer forum) before, and never saw mention of switching the turret ace to an ammo ace using B.

    I make my thread, and EVERY THREAD I READ AFTERWARDS clearly mentions it multiple times so I feel like an idiot.

    Thank you all for your feedback, lack of flaming, and your kind words.

    Now please re-enter the game so that I may fire bullets into your bodies for fun and profit!

    P.S. the ACE construction tool also apparently doubles as a double sided PS3 controller.... Its got all the buttons!
    • Up x 2
  9. Riftmaster

    Heh, I was kinda thinking that myself...
  10. TokyoShoe

    That picture is epic cool.

    Does really make me wonder however, with all those buttons across the top of it... shouldn't it have more functionality to it? I.E. It's got FOUR buttons and a power button. Shouldn't it have four seperate functions?

    I am trying to remember... how many different functions did the ACE have in PS1? Spitfire turret, motion sensor, C4 / Explosives charge... and that's it right?
  11. Goats

    Well, one is reload, another jump, one crouch, and the last one switch weapons. Duh.

    In all seriousness, though, I hope/guess that means that we'll get more goodies eventually. Not until after the Light Assault and MAX, though :(.
  12. Riftmaster

    Well actually, it has 4 separate buttons, plus a power button, for each hand...

    I'd have to do a tiny bit of math which I don't feel like doing atm, but that is way more combinations than 4...:D

    Of course, many of those could be "used" by your engie when he sets the parameters of where the turret goes - while you just move the mouse around and click.
  13. TokyoShoe

    I just figured that both sets of buttons did the same thing.. so that you don't have to worry about which HAND you grab it with in the heat of battle. One handed operation that works with EITHER hand. Combine that with dead simple controls you can do while fleeing for your life (i.e. each button only does one thing.. no two button combos) and you're down to four functions and a power button.

    Or... am I overthinking this? Heh
  14. Riftmaster

    Probably...but so am I...:D
  15. Voodoo Bliss

    it has 2x4 symbols that arent power symbols (why would a device need 2 on/off keys?) also if there are 8 function keys the possible combination of commands is almost infinite
  16. ME-tan

    You sure that's the ace tool and not the controller for the Playstation 4? :p