Is it only on Connery that the TR hold the crown 24/7?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Undead Clown, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Undead Clown

    I play Vanu on Connery and I have never seen the Crown leave TR hands, no matter how hard we push, no matter how isolated we make the Crown, Vanu and NC never seem to take it. Is it warpgate placement? Is it just the times I'm logged in? Is it just that the Connery TR enjoy an endless zergfest?

    EDIT: This is often to the detriment of their empire, I have seen the TR warpgated and still all of their players are sitting on the crown.
  2. ImGladUmad

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  3. Ice

    The TR have divine right to the crown. No rebels nor technophiles may lay hands upon it while the Republic stands!
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  4. Snarkyfoo

    Oh, you must be new here.
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  5. somerandom18

    I remember when crown fights were fun... When sunderers didn't have a deploy radius.
  6. Undead Clown

    But its cool if we ignore you and take the rest of the continent and cut off your supplies right?

    That was hell.
  7. omegapex

    on lithcorp they are nothing special
  8. Marka Ragnos

    you can see thier warp gate from the crown. I like to think the Vanu Archives is "Vanu's Crown" It should be easy to defend since no ground vehicles pose a threat, but some how devs forgot the turrets(air and tank). And the NC have the Stronghold.
  9. Morro

    The Crown is symbolic for Imperialism, and it's only natural the TR own it. Yes, on Mattherson TR hold crown often.
  10. ZoeAlleyne

    I hear from some TR player I know that there are a ton of European players on the TR faction which would be why they have so many people online all night. Is this true?
  11. Sconna

    The Crown rarely falls to the enemy on the server Mallory. It's very funny when The Crown is surrounded by enemy territory and we're holding it for a very long time so reinforcements arrive and we dominate everything again.
  12. Auditore1478

    NC has taken the Crown back a fair amount of times, but it usually ends up in the entire TR force bum rushing us after it caps.
  13. GraphicJ

    Huh? I'm on Connery almost every night. The Deed to the Crown is basically held by all factions... not 24/7. Just the other night Vanu scums held to it for almost all day. Silly OP, wake up and smell the coffee purple spandex man. ;D
  14. Zaik

    Crown is pretty easy to take if the TR have advanced past it. You just take one adjacent territory, hop in gals and MAX crash it with at least a full platoon to kill the guys who I guess sit at the crown all day even if there is no fight going on.

    After that though, every TR on Indar, no matter if they are a zergling or highly organized outfit member, will drop everything they are doing and rush the crown like they were going to drown IRL if they don't take it back. Render distance goes to <10m and it is lost in less than 5 minutes.
  15. SolLeks

    well, what do you expect? I logged into a TR toon at connery and this is what the map looks like (edited so I don't get banned)

    No credit for me, was linked to by a friend. I just edited the words the people don't like for some reason.
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  16. Kayos

    I can't believe people even bother with the crown anymore. It's the worst base design on the map.
  17. Undead Clown

    Its the most defensible base, some would argue the only defensible base. Other bases WILL fall, its only a matter of time, the Crown feels like the attackers have to do something insane to take it.
  18. Baby

    I laugh at people who care about the Crown. I only go there for fun and teamwork.

    I mean while people waste tons of infantry and vehicles there we can be taking entire territories. There's really nothing special about the Crown.

    In fact I find it annoying to even be up there because it's so isolated from other territory when you need help. You just end up being farmed for owning it. Some people call that "defense", but I call it stupid. When I lob a nade and kill ten people, you are being farmed.
  19. Rivenshield

    Has anyone ever tried a mass Gal airdrop? Sometimes the old ways are best.
  20. TeknoBug

    LOL people still play on Connery? My main is on there but I stopped playing there due to bad lag and serious faction inbalance, you TR can have that server.