Is it just my Striker or....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Watz, May 2, 2013.

  1. Watz

    The no damage bug seems fixed. However:

    - rockets generally seem to guide -very- strange now; they can turn right in front of you as opposed to last updates guidance changes
    - rockets seem to try to "evade" obstacles directly in front of me
    - rockets frequently hit the ground next to myself especially when the locked on target gets out of view; never before saw one of my rockets heads on trying to kill me, its very master!

    And last but not least....I find hitting ESF now is quite hard as they are suddenly not rendered anymore at pretty close distance. Very often now I'm not able to launch more than 2 rockets before the ESF is entirely gone.
  2. notyourbuddy

    Was using the default ground lock-on for my NC. I was on one end of a bridge with a Sunderer on the other. Lock-on, fire, and my rocket did an instant 90 degree turn to the left straight off the bridge as soon as I let it go. The next one shot straight up into the air and hit the top of the bridge despite the fact I was looking straight forward.

  3. Zakuak

    LOL, Poor striker just can't get a break.

    That's gonna suck if they don't fly straight for the first 20-30 meters or so, I used to be able to get a lock then start firing while I ducked back around a corner for cover. It'd normally loose lock on 4th or 5th shot depending how quick I broke LOS with the target but was effective if you had the ammo.
  4. Watz

    The Annihilator kinda works again. I can do damage to Libs outside the VR, which didn't work at least since GU7. But why the hell is the freaking blank shot bug back again.....aaaarghhhhh.

    I have no words anymore for these -constant- fails to fix these launchers.
  5. LightningWolfTigrBer

    Made a thread about this change myself as it effects all the lock-on launchers. Don't understand why they'd revert the changes back, wasn't even mentioned in the patch notes.
  6. Zotamedu

    I have a solution. Just remove all lock on launchers from the game and give us our money back. Change the Striker to be a magazine fed full auto dumb fire launcher. It should be easy because they can use all their current assets, just remove the lock on and let us use it as dumb fire. It makes a lot of sense as our factional trait is a high rate of fire with low damage on each round. I would use that instead of my Decimator.

    If they fell that the game needs another AA class apart from the burster MAX, just add a flak turret for the engineer. Give it something that acts like a single burster and keep the regular over heat mechanic. Also, no stupid shield and limit the downward angle of aim.

    No more buggy launchers and no more crying in the forum. We remove both the lock on recuires no skill crybabies, the lock ons do not work crybabies, the lock ons are everywhere and are OP crybabies and the HA is too powerful crybabies.

    BTW, I play mostly HA and I own the Annihilator. I would gladely trade it for a full auto dumb fire only Striker.
  7. Watz

    I don't believe its just reverted. Yes, originally they were able to turn right in front of you. But I can't remember that strange -target-out-of-sight-rocket-goes-crazy behaviour.

    And considering the Annihilator blank shot bug, I truly believe its server lag related. Just like the locked on ESF suddenly disappearing from my Striker scope today. Ah well, at least they do damage again when (if) they hit.

    Other than that, I'd gladly take the SC back and get me that useless Lasher instead. At least its a fun weapon and can't possibly be nerfed any further :)