Is it just me..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SgtScum, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. SgtScum

    ..or do the player models have this weird breathing animation thing going on since the recent hotfix patch? o_O
  2. Andy04

    Your just hearing yourself breath for the first time... Time o go for a check up this game has got to you...
  3. SgtScum

    Wut? No, its an animation not a sound. My vanu looks like his shoulders are going to separate from his body when he takes a 'breath'.

    The other characters look drunk.
  4. Thagyr

    Vanu probably have to put a lot more effort into breathing what with all that tight spandex.
  5. CrashB111

    It is part of a secret TR operation to sneak starch into all Vanu washing machines.

    If we can shrink their uniforms enough the filthy xeno worshiping traitors will suffocate.
  6. NateTronic

    pff, my spandex can never be TOO tight!
  7. St0mpy

    im waiting till they bring in boob physics
  8. CrashB111

    You Vanu perverts, we soldiers of the TR actually dress our men and women up equally for combat purposes.
  9. St0mpy

    LOL! TR for life buddy, I just want to see those boobs jiggle when theyre running away or falling over dead infront of me :D
  10. Hoki

    Just stopping by to say that I hate these threads with ambiguous titles.

    Unfortunately, no it is not just you OP, many others post threads like these and enjoy man on man love.