Is it just me, or does the NC blow in every regard?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheUprising, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. TheUprising

    I'm here just because of the lore, but if I had a choice based just on power, I would stay as faaaar away from the NC as possible. I mean really, high damage, high TTK? In what universe does that make sense, TTK is everything, damage is nothing, unless you're in a very situational position where the burst you have with your allies overwhelms everything else.

    On almost all of their weapons, the NC in general have higher recoil per second than other factions, but this is supposedly countered by their high accuracy while standing still. Yeah b/c the best way to kill an enemy is to stand still....... The only thing higher damage is good for most of the time is ammo conservation, but oh look, the TR in general have more ammo than us all round. I mean, just a random example, look at the ACX vs the Serpent, I would honestly choose the serpent over LONG RANGES because of its predictable and low recoil than the ACX with its super high damage. If I'm not wrong the Serpent has higher DPS than the ACX as well. And obviously the Serpent wins in CQC. Our weapons are just derp... Also, our MAX requires a huge cert investment just to be mediocre...

    NC with its lore is tailored to all the derps, yeah glass houses, and is the faction that requires the most pro play and highest level of teamwork to be any good. How does this make any sense? Maybe this trait should have been given to the TR, since ppl who join that want to be a part of a bigger team, etc.

    Without overpopulation NC has nothing, and often it loses fights even with the higher population.

    EDIT: And almost forgot, we have by and far the WORST art style. We are wearing boxes, which is fine since we are supposed to be wearing repurposed industrial equipment, but whose bright idea was it to have an insurgent faction based on practicality over aesthetics, wear BRIGHT YELLOW AND BLUE all over their armor? And worst of all, our camo doesn't cover the BRIGHT YELLOW.

    Yellow and blue are colors that don't even go together, ugh, someone in Genudine Systems needs to be fired.
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  2. FigM

    I think Vanguard shield is very good, best faction ability for MBT
  3. VanuSovereignty

    The Vanguard is the best AP tank.
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  4. Notih8Darian

    Why'd you take out the vanguard part?
  5. LowTechKiller

    To each his own.
    I've had a lot of fun playing each of the 3 factions.
  6. Badname3073

    I thought NC sucked, and now they blow :eek:

    EDIT: As another completely random example, compare the BAWS SAW and the Beamer. See?
  7. Sebastien

    Playing victim I'm guessing
  8. NC_agent00kevin

    I used to think the Vanguard was garbage, but its actually the best tank in the game...because its a TANK. Dont get me wrong, Magriders are great when used properly, and Prowlers are the Bane of Infantry...but when its Tank vs Tank, Vanguard is King. And it well should be since it drives like a bulldozer in pudding. If you are able to get close and bully the other tanks with your shield, you will win.

    Reavers are fun but easy to hit when you play other factions.

    Our weapons are hard to use, but are indeed good weapons when used in their place. Some may not suit your style; a lot of people like the Gauss Saw but I think its pretty much garbage, even certed out. The GD-22S is a whole 'nother story. The Cyclone is a great SMG. The Piston is a great shotgun. I put slugs in a scatter/grinder max (one scat arm, one grinder) and its still a great AI platform.

    NC isnt bad; we have some decent toys. The best? no. But good enough to fill our niche.
  9. The King

    I think it is mostly you, the NC is great.
    The only thing bad about them is the color yellow..... ewww
  10. The Funk

    Meh we've got the tools we need to get the job done. Balance is close enough that almost every large scale conflict I see is determined by numbers and/or tactics more than anything.

    Also a maxed vanguard shield feels like an "I win" button in almost any tank v tank conflict.
  11. DashRendar

    The Vanguard is the only thing NC has that is good anymore. The 200dmg weapons are fun though... If I've read the lay right, there's probably an "MBT Makeover" in GU15 that will give everyone a shield ability and make the Vanguard top speed 25 and shoot smores.
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  12. TheUprising

    almost forgot about how bad our natural camo was, edited the OP.

    There was a post on these forums as to how NC's secondary color is far more noticeable to the human eye than other colors. it is DANGER YELLOW.
  13. mefy

    "Is it just me, or does the NC blow in every regard?"

    It's just you.
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  14. The Funk

    I'd cert that for sure, especially if they were AP smores.
  15. TheUprising

    I listed facts boy. Get owned.
  16. sodopro

    We've got decent stuff, fun to play with. Good enough for me.
  17. mefy

    OP is just a newb

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  18. warcraze

    ROFL...says the guy wearing purple!!
  19. Snoozzzer

    The weapon stats are all fairly similar. The NC guns do tend to recoil more, but do a touch higher damage per bullet in compensation. The VS and TR weapons do handle differently, and might suit your play style better but....

    Since you chose them for the lore...stick with the NC! Blue and Yellow are the colors of freedom on this planet, rock and roll is the stock music of the NC, and the in game announcer shouts words of encouragement during a base cap, as opposed to the TR commissar and Vanu religiosity. (But of course run TR and Vanu alts, just in case you really can't stand the power of a real man's rifle :p )
  20. The King

    meh, the teal color is worse!
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