Is it just me or does NC have like literally the best items hands down?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cheyr, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. PlanetBound

    The Phoenix isn't a one shot take down. But it can be demoralizing for player bases getting over the walls and through the base to take out assets.
  2. zeroxpain

    NC has the worst fighter its a flying trashcan with boltet on weapons its profil is big from evey angle and its slow all that for for a small driffence in upwards boost
  3. Hajakizol

    The phoenix is a weapon that would be awesome in a rts when you can order a group of planetmen to shoot at one target from behind cover. In this game getting that kind of cooperation is not gonna happen on a useful scale. Not to mention Lancer squads do ground and air target equally and would scale better in groups. I miss dumbfire from ps 1 tho... I auraxed that thing back in the day.
  4. entity009

    In addition to not having dumbfire they also withheld PS1s pheonix ability to be manually detonated. Manual detonation made all the difference in hitting aircraft in ps1. How many times have you missed an airplane by an inch?

    The lasher and mcg were ported to ps2 as almost exact clones of their ps1 versions. The JH was ported with its autofire mechanic removed.
  5. Hajakizol

    NC flavor stuff was ported in crippled states. Why the Jack is not auto is beyond me..
  6. Atorum

    Every game needs to have easymode, its NC and VS in this game, it is how they cater to young players, around 8 or 9 years old mostly.
  7. TheSunlikeOne

    A-ha-ha #2.
    • Up x 1
  8. CapperDeluxe

    I'm mostly jealous of those 200 damage Carbines and LMG.... if only I could do that with my VS light assault :(
  9. No0T

    So many naive people here... feminism makes vvomen vvork... if you accept to be boss around by a female they give you treats like the good boy you are... that is all. FEMINISM... so many idiots think propaganda has to be in sign or comercials... they have never been only there.
  10. strid3r478

    Yes nc is the most op from all 3 factions , but the nc players afraid to admit it because then they will have to play in balanced fight.
    There was like competitive faction fights with faction switching and pretty all the time the team that played as nc wins so that's that.
  11. Drag0

    Hands down the best? No. But probably overall the best. TR's MCG is by far the best heavy weapon and the prowler and Vulcan cannon are pretty damn good. And the starting pistol for TR, put that **** on 3 round burst and fire as fast as you can, its a pocket MCG!
  12. No0T

    if you accept to be boss around by a girl the feminists pushing corporations love you. so they do have the best kid, its simple and clear.

    Have you noticed that if you shut her up you also cannot hear enemys shouting vvhatever **** they vvant to shout so you knovv vvhere exactly they are?!

    Its so most idiots vvill keep her bossing them around recurrently... they think propaganda doesnt vvorks the corporations have the SHARED data on hovv much it does vvork and that is vvhy they invest in it billions each year. That is hovv the vvorld is being truely govern.

    If vve had serious lavvs against propaganda vve vvould have them competing vvith the quality of the products and vve vvould live in a golden era. Like the vvorld has seen only right after the industrial revolution. Roughly 130 years ago... nice days back then. Nice and juicy.
  13. pnkdth

    Why? Pulsar C is amazing. There is no need to get any other carbine as VS.

    200 damage per bullet is cool to have but generally speaking they punish average/bad aim and perform worse than most weapons at closer ranges.

    With the ARs you got A-Tross and the Reaper which are really nice but that's ARs for you in general, they are those sexy weapons hoping and enticing us to get us to play medic more.:D
  14. CapperDeluxe

    While I do love the Pulsar C, the difference in lethality between 167 and 200 damage is still pretty staggering when dealing with close or mid-range engagements. The pulsar doesn't make up for that damage difference until you get further out in range due to its accuracy.
  15. pnkdth

    Well, it does make up for it in rate of fire(500 vs 577 RPM). Indeed, during CQC every miss will affect your TTK much worse than any other weapon. That said, if you have a great time with the AC-X11, then I won't say you are wrong in using it(much like I'm a weirdo who prefer the scout rifles over SMGs).
  16. LaughingDead

    Think about it like this:
    You are using a 200 damage weapon which will always be 500 RPM verses a 167 damage weapon with 600 RPM in CQ, math mathmatically, you'd always lose because 167*2 (for headshots) * 3 means you're dead, you're always 100 rounds per second slower than your opponent, on the flip if you only go for bodyshots, 167 kills in 6 shots verses 5 shots, in truth the 200 damage model only really comes in handy when you do long range, which isn't much of an advantage when other longrange weapons can do a lower TTK.

    (reads other posts)
    Yea, pretty much that. Pulsar C is so gud.
    Then again, I just don't like high RPM weapons often. I can use them but I like that realistic and earthshattering thud when you get a headshot with a high damage weapon.