Is C4 a universal unlock like resto kits now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IntergalacticYoghurt, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. IntergalacticYoghurt

    I notice all my classes can use the resto kits I unlocked on my HA. Can anyone inform me whether the new patches have made C4 unlock similarly?
  2. GhostAvatar

    No it has not.
  3. IntergalacticYoghurt

  4. DankFist

  5. Vorpal

    It should be. but it's not.
    • Up x 1
  6. OneRedBlock

    Why must you hate French people so much?

    9gag lololol
  7. Iksniljiksul

    Of course not. It's too powerful of a tool to be unlocked across the board.
  8. Diamond Sword

    Die in German is what Le is to French.

    IE, it means "The."
  9. Talizzar

    Resto and med kits have been unlocked from the start.
  10. DankFist

  11. Zaik

    I really wish it was, for 700 certs and 100 resources per it seems kind of petty to bind it to one class.
  12. JokeForgrim

    last time i played (2 days ago) C4 did 0 damage to everything. So yeah, tanks worked from my testing but C4 didnt.
  13. ArcMinuteLight

    You used it incorrectly, its Un Sigh. A sigh, not The sigh. Unless all your sighs are special, in which case you're as much of a ********* as your incorrect usage of a language makes you look like.
  14. Carl 99

    It's a common english basterdisation of french arcminutelight.
  15. KayGeddon

    Type it into google and you might get the pop culture reference.
  16. Accuser

    France has surrendered to the Grammar ***** and thus all inter-lingual sentences must comply with overlapping grammatical rules.

  17. HowToAim

    Everyone knows each c4 has to be handcrafted, mixed in with love, blood, sweat and tears. And certs.
  18. ArcMinuteLight

    I know the pop culture reference, and I hate it very much.
  19. IntergalacticYoghurt

    Chillax dudebro.

    Cool beans?
  20. Zoner

    Neither are a lot of the suit upgrades, but people only complain about the C4 for some reason.