Is burster fire supposed to be invisible?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Blight, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Blight

    MAX's are the ninja's of anti aircraft with no tracers. I think this alone makes them the strongest AA weapon.
  2. RavenGenesis

    it's not really a propelled rocket, but a time fused explosive... so we lob it up, and after a certain height it'll pop open and damage air targets

    AA turrets are firing AA rounds, actual bullets leaving tracers
  3. Marinealver

    Don't worry it is hard to die to a singel dual AA burster unless you hover right in front of it.
  4. Blight

    I have a dual burster max and I fly regularly.

    I think it's a little over powered to be invisible to aircraft and mobile especially since its just as powerful as all other AA. The rounds should give some indication on where they're coming from.
  5. Hodo

    I would love tracers on all my AA.
  6. Riftmaster

    Hmm...I see tracers all the time while firing my dual bursters...unless I don't and I just think I do?
  7. FallenArchon

    There tracers on everybullet of vanu guns. Had 5 on top of crown, i think you getting smash and screen shake and AA explosions you can't see them.
  8. Skadi

    i think its more of a problem with the game not rendering infantry at viable ranges, its also odd that aircraft cant see tracers from AA max suits but i DEF see the tracers when im using my dual burster's and when im around AA max suits on the ground.
  9. Riftmaster

    I do think some kind of even really bad render for dual-burster MAX tracers from an aircraft perspective would be a good idea. If you actually cannot see them at all, that is.
  10. Zaik

    PS2 Flak is proximity, not timed.

    As far as tracers, the firer won't see them, and direct hits on the recieving end won't show them, though any misses will show up even if the MAX isn't rendering. Bursters and skyguads are painfully obvious to anyone on the ground to the point that just seeing them a single magdump will allow you to pinpoint their location.
  11. Blight

    You definitely can not see them. You know you're getting MAX AA fire when you can't see where its coming from.

    I don't think this is an intended mechanic but I haven't seen an official word.
  12. Rhumald

    I use a dual anti air max quite often myself, I think it's sad really, Heli's can come in, wipe out your squad, and you can completely unload your two anti air arm cannons into them (assuming you haven't purchased the extended mags, if so, they'll fly away first), and they'll still have plenty of time to get away from you, it's only really a pilot that has next to no experience flying that you can shoot down, most of the EXP you get from it is with assist kills, if any, and even then, only if there's a few maxes all doing the same thing, or you're insanely good at leading your targets properly.

    I'd like to see one of three things for AA with maxes: Increased ROF cert, increased damage cert, or increased armor piercing cert. (or just add critical hit spots to vehicles, I'm sure exploding rounds through the pilots window must do something.)
  13. Sebastien

    Tracers from the Bursters show up at night