Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Belarod, May 2, 2013.

  1. Belarod

    Here, here. here, here, here.....

    Where did all the Light Assaults go?
  2. ladiesop

    Long time passing?
  3. MajiinBuu

    I like to go LA and fly to the top of the highest things I can find and take pretty screenshots.
    Like from the tops of giant coral on Indar, trees and mountains on Amerish, and towering purple spires on Esamir.
  4. simmi1717

    What do you mean? like where did they all go in the game? or where are they all on the forums?
  5. HarvestCheddar


    Sorry, didn't mean that.
  6. Mythicrose12

    I'm playing more HA and Inf lately. I can't go very long sessions as a LA without getting head aches from jet pack useage. SOE, I'd appreciate it if I could muffle my own JJ sound.
  7. Farlion

    I don't read this forum that much.
  8. centurionvi

    To play useful classes that aren't nerfed with every update.
  9. Ripshaft

    I think as it becomes more obvious that light assaults aren't at any disadvantage, people have gone from complaining about being underpowered, to not saying anything because they're afraid we'll get nerfed.

    Well, aside from the newbies who will still complain about whatever they do, sometimes it's la.
  10. Hagestol

    Hey, you! All available statistics would like a word with you. So would most platoon leaders.