[BUG] Is anyone else having this problem?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ewokinarmor, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. ewokinarmor

    I used to be able to get kills left and right with the VS proxy mine, people would walk into them all the time. However, lately I will place a proxy mine, actually SEE a person walk directly into it, then the trigger sound will play, the mine will explode under them, and when the smoke clears, they're still standing there, no worse for wear. It can't be a cert, because the hit marker doesn't even show up. Is it just me somehow placing them wrong, or is everyone else having this problem?
  2. Ravenorth

    From todays patch notes:
    • Fixed a bug that was often causing explosives to do partial damage. Explosion damage will now be more consistent across the board
    So you´ve been probably experiencing that bug, which is maybe now fixed.(hopefully)

    Also the recent nanoweave nerf has probably turned more people to use flak armor, which might also be the another reason for your increased enemy survivability from your mine damage. Before the nerf majority of players used only nanoweave, because it was simply the best suit slot for most situations, but now its more balanced.