Is a membership a good idea?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by igamr, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. igamr

    So im thinking about getting 40 bucks worth of stuff in this game one 20$ for station cash the other half I dont really know.Its either more station cash or a member ship the cred booster seems nice but i wish they would put a cred booster in stores instead if member but what do you guys think should i get one?
  2. ps2x518

    no membership is worthless. Increased resource gain is meaningless and so is priority log-in. Only benefit I see is 1 week earlier access to new cosmetic items. Better off buying xp boosts, especially during double/triple sc days.
  3. Fiatsu

    I threw 80bucks into membership for the 50% gain.
    That with exp boost i'm always at +100% exp
    It depends on what you want from this game, if you play casually then it'll be needed to make any progress.
    If you're a hardcore player then EXP boost alone is like having 6 month membership so use those and farm away.

    As for worth, it's the usual... Time.

    P.S Only the 6 months membership is worth it, 25% etc is nothing.
  4. Tnsr

    Don't spend money on PS2 until they deserve it and fixed the game.
    • Up x 3
  5. NoXousX

    On the premise of how disgusted I am with the team in charge of this game and their completely jacked up greedy mentality (introducing OP weapons on sale and then nerfing them 3 weeks later), no no no.

    They will not see another dime out of me until I see a different mentality from the dev team. I'm not a child, and I don't like being treated like one.
  6. BreakingGame

  7. FnkyTwn

    This game is still in Beta, so its probably not wise to spend money on it unless you were going to wait until Easter Break when the next 2x (or 3x) SC deal will happen. If that's the case, then buy your SC game cards from Walmart, where they sell a $15 card with $20 worth of SC on it, and then that doubles (or triples) during 2x/3x events. So $15 becomes $40 worth of SC under 2x, and $60 under 3x. And then only buy ingame items when they go on sale.

    That's the ONLY way to spend money on this game.. everything else is a ripoff.
  8. Phantomstrk

    It is not.

    Do not spend money on this game, which is rampant with hackers. Regardless of the F2P strategy that some will agree and disagree with, the overall hacking that is rampant in the game far outweighs the quality of the game. Do not spend money.

    I'm actually pulling my money out of all the SOE games I play, just tired of nothing being done...
  9. Dr. Allcome

    I agree, membership is worthless. The 50% XP boost is nice but only if you are a hardcore player who plays a lot. If you are a casual player then it's probably not worth the 15$, as an increase of 50% XP is nothing at the current XP gain rate.

    The 500SC/month is another topic. You only get it as long as you keep your subscription active. If you cancel your subscription immediately after buying it, then you will only get the 500SC once, no matter for how many months you have paid in advance.

    Being able to skip continent queues would be nice, but as this game has less players each day, you will probably not need it. Even on the highest populated servers you will not hit a queue very often.

    Better save your money for the next 3xSC sale. If you buy your SC at full price, you will probably regret it as they are still tweaking the game a lot and your precious new weapon might be nerfed any minute. Wait until they got most of the balance right and then consider if you really want to spend 7$ on a weapon.
  10. Lord Robert

    I think they need to revamp either the benefits of membership or the cost. As it stands now, I don't think its worth it.
    Particularly since one of the benefits is that you get moved to the front of the queue when logging on to a high pop or full server.
    Don't think too many people are taking advantage of that benefit right now.
    • Up x 1
  11. Chipskream

    I got the 3 month membership because I wanted to spend some money but didnt want to commit longer than 3 moths. Well, I regret it. I should have spent the 35€ in XP boosts. 35% certgain is ajoke and apparently are worth (or not worth) most part of the ~8€ you pay for it after monthly SC.

    \\Oh and one more thing: The roadmap is, basically speaking, a fraud. I initially spent money on this game because I wanted to support the devs since they had this nice roadmap where they promised interactive development. Okay, well, thats not the case. They will punch through every feature thats in there, at exactly the point that is stated on the roadmap (if not later, see server transfers). Pump action shotguns have the 2nd last spot on the roadmap, FNO devs didnt even know this until friday. Thats how much they care about their community. And I promise you, ~surprise drop-containers~ WILL be implemented, no matter how many downvotes it gets.
  12. comfy blanket

    Don't buy it. It's $15 a month for a 50% boost (if you buy 6 months worth). You can play a P2P MMO with that money or buy a different game. The queue benefit doesn't matter either. Whenever you actually see a queue, if ever, it's only a few minutes worth of waiting if you're F2P. Is a few minutes saved worth $15? And it's been shown that if there's a huge event, a la Empire Showdown, you won't get in regardless of your membership status because the line is insanely long for both groups of players.
  13. igamr

    Well thats nice since my paycheck dosent arrive till Easter break just get the 4000 Sc then thanks guys :p
  14. omega4

    Personally, I wouldn't do it.

    I'll probably be banned for saying the truth (as I see it) but the value proposition of a PS2 membership is a weak one. This game is losing more existing customers than it's recruiting (i.e. positive attrition rate).

    It's your money but I think there are better places to spend it than on PS2.
  15. Songano

    Wow...all the negativity. A few weeks back i started a thread where i asked for more benefits regarding the membership and i got ****stormed back then and now this...

    Looks like some people woke up and SOE begins to listen/act.
  16. omega4

    It has nothing to do with attitude. It has everything to do with economics and cost value propositions.

    You need to learn to spot a good deal (or bad) when you see one.
  17. Xericor

    Just yesterday I wrote a rather long thread looking at the benefits of Membership, the pro's and cons. If you look at my post history, and have a spare 10 minutes, it might be worth a read.

    Valid points made in this thread, but I must be one of the few that consider Membership, not 100% 'worthwhile', but its value for money in terms of unlocking stuff faster. That and I don't really believe all that much in f2p model, or rather that people have any right to shout the odds at something they get for free... :D
  18. igamr

    You people sure hate SOE
  19. St0mpy

    pros, adds upto 50% extra on top of whatever boosts you have already, this cannot be bought any other way if you want boost over 50%, queue priority is a nice touch, mostly useless unless you always play at primetime on a big4 server then it saves a few minutes if you want to move back to indar.

    cons, is slightly expensive overall compared to hooking up with an x3 day when they come and just buying the boost (assuming you have nothing in the boost slot already) and your own 500 SCs instead.
  20. Uzii

    I've got a 6 month recurring, but I may cancel on the last few days, so I still get all my 6 x 500SC. But the 50% XP bonus is awesome, coupled with my Alpha Squad, 100% XP makes cert grinding almost non-existent. On a good evening session I can easily get a couple of hundred certs, so that to me is worth it. I'm in the UK so my cost was in pounds, but 3000SC is £24, and I paid £46 for the 6 months, so that's £22 for 6 months of +50% XP, and to me that's awesome.

    To put it in perspective:
    £4 = 500SC = 7 day +50% XP
    £4 x 4 weeks = £16 for nearly 1 month of +50% XP
    £16 x 6 months = £96 for nearly 6 months of +50% XP

    Now, even if you bought your SC on Triple Day, that's still £96/3 = £32
    So, saved £10 there, at least. On top of that, I now still have the option to apply the 7 day +50% XP on top of my +100% XP, giving a crazy total of +150% XP if I want to.

    I play the game a lot, so for me, its worth it by far. But then, it always comes down to personal preference.