IR/NV no longer spots cloaked infiltrators?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Wobberjockey, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Village

    What do you mean NIR is not true IR? It is in the infrared spectrum. Thats like saying blue light is not true visible light because its on the shorter side of the spectum. Have you ever studied infrared spectroscopy or infrared bands in any practical applications before? Or are you going off what you have just read from the wikipedia page. You attempted to correct me when i said "infrared DOES NOT = thermal" so i corrected you in kind.


    Does not say thermal in the tooltip, it makes well lit areas from indoor lights very bright also, you could make the form of soldier illumination anything you want, such as silhouette recognition software etc. but for the sake of balance it should not reveal cloaked units.


    It illuminates soldiers to a degree in this game, probably because the devs were too lazy to design a low light illumination view but it also makes well lit areas very bright, again you could make anything of the soldier illumination. Again it does not say thermal, and so should not reveal cloaked units for the sake of balance considering it is so cheap at 50 certs.


    True thermal optics, everything except soldiers and vehicles are very dark while soldiers and vehicles are a bright orange giving a huge amount of contrast even during a bright day or inside well-lit areas. This should reveal cloaked units but apparently it does not at the moment since the last patch.
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  2. Rhumald

    I have tested the Thermal optics on multiple occasions since last patch, it still reveals Infiltrators, and is Not what the OP was about, the OP is about the HS/NV, it is not one of those "apparently" situations, it was just wrong terminology, which the OP very openly admits to here: Post#18

    I will admit that I was wrong on the account of IR tech in relation to this game, and while you are extending your case beyond the original, case I will correct your argument for you:

    "What do you mean NIR is not true IR? It is in the infrared spectrum. Thats like saying [ultraviolet] light is not true visible light because its on the shorter side of the spectum. Have you ever studied infrared spectroscopy or infrared bands in any practical applications before?"

    I reallise I'm stating an entire spectrum here, but I'm certain you understand the implications: There are creatures that can see ultraviolet, flowers for example use ultraviolet coloring to help direct insects to their pollen. That doesn't make it a part of what we call the visible spectrum of colors, in the same lines, NIR is very openly called Near Infrared because it is not Infrared, it's just in a light level we cannot see, and have never needed an entirely separate name for, and thus has been exploited for the purposes you have demonstrated.

    This means the in-game IR optics still needs a rename, to NIR optics, but, as I pointed out earlier, this argument has always been about Infantry optics, the HS/NV, and I'm done arguing weather or not That can be called IR, it is not and so cannot.
  3. Wobberjockey

    so in sum...

    the rifle mounted night sight no longer spots cloaked infiltrators.

    is that conclusion backed up by other users here?
  4. Village

    Very well we'll stop the argument, but from my studies at University and what i currently work with, infrared usually falls into the three wavelength categories of near (>580nm), mid (>2um) and far infrared (>20um). They are all arbitrary classifications anyway relating to wavelength, with visible only classified as it is due to the fact it is visible to the human eye. I suppose the game could be more specific but probably would not be necessary except for suckers for detail such as us.
  5. Rhumald

    **** man you can't just give up the debate like that, you're literally >< this close to winning the damned thing, all you need to do is get over yourself and quote the damned Wikipedia article I quoted the first time :mad:.

    I'll do it for you, because I cannot under good conscience leave people with this ruse I've strung together.

    to start with:

    it begins by describing Infrared tech and the how it is used practically, it then immediately proceeds to describe the various levels within the infrared spectrum, and indeed, your reference to Blue color was spot on... but I couldn't say that now could I? we were debating :p; I left a few other pieces of misinformation that I'll discuss later, that you didn't catch as-well.

    First off, Infrared tech, every level of it, can be used to determine thermal readings, you just need to know which wavelengths you're looking for, so that a computer can process that information, pull those specific radiation levels out of the other light noise, and display it as a thermal readout, but most scopes/lens mechanisms in the NIR range are only concerned with amplifying the reflected IR light levels, as determining thermal readouts at that light level is impractical due to the level of noise, so yes, IR does not necessarily mean Thermal, but those light levels themselves do not necessarily equate to no thermal readings if you're not concerned with the thermal reading... this means that those two scopes in game could be identical in form, with one simply having an expensive computer system attached to display the thermal readings, therefore costing more certs

    What I have been horribly dishonest about, intentionally, to see if you'd bothered to read the article, is the HS/NV, if you do a quick search within the article for HyperSpectral imaging, you'll note that it is a composite imaging process that displays the entire LWIR wavelength, so that it does not rely on light at all to operate, the more types of radiation, the whiter the image, and by cause and effect, this illuminates anything that is that throws a significant amount of heat. It is an unintentionally thermal displaying imaging process that is used in other fields, but looks exactly like what we have in game, and rightfully should illuminate Infiltrators, but is cheap as all hell, so I will not badger the devs about having assumed no one would figure out what the HS stood for.

    lesson learned: Find articles, reference them, and base your arguments around them; in a normal debate, this would have drawn a tie, but I'm resigning from the debate in favor of clarity. Remember you have the internet at your disposal (as many lies as it may contain) and it only takes a moment to scan through an article for improper information and link it in, not something you can do in normal debate, but if you can be polite about it, people will thank you instead of arguing you on it, and you'll have all the data ready to present to them right at your fingertips.

    I cannot stress how important it is to be polite about it, you end up looking like an overzealous armature the instant you throw any insults at your opponent in the debate, you don't insult the person, you tear apart their subject, insulting the person is only done when you know you are wrong and want to distract from the subject; where you were in the right from the beginning, you had no reason to say I had been "schooled" or otherwise insult my person... at that point you left me no choice but to debate the topic with you, not to prove anything about the topic we were debating, but to prove that I have the ability to think logically.... you did it again the second time :mad:.

    No hard feelings though, hopefully this has been informative to at least someone :).
  6. Wobberjockey

    it was to me.

    i learned that my government very likely has 20 Spec ops ninjas that can see in the dark ready to strike at any moment if i step out of line...

    and i think one is in my room right now :eek:
  7. Hellhammer

    I don't know what the others are arguing about, but the answer is yes. Looking through such scope no longer reveals cloaked units. However (it may be a bug), you can still see them on "Low" graphics settings
  8. Village

    I usually try to avoid referencing to wikipedia, in any case i just prefer referencing accurate images so others besides us can understand easier. And you're right about the OP i didn't even think of hyper spectral imaging which would probably include mid-far infrared, but yes for the sake of balance should not reveal infiltrators.

    I should be less condescending also when making a point yet it always seems to happen. Turns what could be a good debate into nothing more than a heated argument. I resign also.