Invisible Prox Mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Soloviev, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Soloviev

    Still happening on live, this has been happening since beta.

    Considering its been the case for so long, and no SoE voice has said theyre fixing it..(ive looked)

    Is this intended prox mine behavior? If not, can we fix it please? Its really annoying having whole bases locked down by invisible mines you cant even shoot.
  2. Marked4Death

  3. Soloviev

    My bad, didnt see it - regardless, people have caught onto it and bases the Vanu hold now contain a 50% chance you're randomly going to blow up when moving through doorways - This needs a fix asap as more and more players start abusing the bug.

    Or idk, maybe its intended, wouldnt be the silliest decision ive seen in this game.