Invincible Aircraft.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Twigifire, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Twigifire

    I have shot entire barrages of rocket pods at some galaxies and liberators but yet, they don't take ANY damage. This needs to stop, I'm not sure if it's hackers or a glitch but it needs to be fixed.
  2. Nocturnal7x

    Rocket-pods don't seem to be effective against gals from my experience. Just use main gun, use rocketpods to finish it off if you get a lib or gal to low health and don't want to reload.
  3. Sgtjoeyk

    i have had multiple instances, only against the TR so far where i dump a full clip of max bursters at them and see the explosions hit but there is no registered damage at all..they even fly right at me and right over me taking all hits and no damage, im hoping this is just a glitch..
  4. Twigifire

    I put every shot I had into them and they still fly around with full health form my vortex and rocket pods :{
  5. Sgtjoeyk

    yea its gotta be a glitch or hack, leaning towards glitch? was it on Indar by chance?
  6. Bearcat

    There is a self-repair exploit that people are using (due to be patched very soon). Also, there is some sort of super-fast nigh-invulnerable aircraft hack out. This weekend, there was a crazy-fast Galaxy ramming everything out of the sky, and a couple ESFs flying impossibly fast. Hopefully it will be patched soon so we can be treated with a new round of more original cheating.
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    Its a glitch and ONLY effects flak. It happens a few times while im flying a lib. When this happens I will fly away because I hate having that unrealistic advantage. I will say this: it has been happening with a much higher consistency than before. something changed and its not for the better.
  8. Mattressi

    Yeah, it sounds like it's the repair glitch. Basically, there's a way to make your vehicle invincible by repairing. I've already run into a few ESFs who take no damage at all from me, despite me air-hammering them in their face at point blank. It's frustrating.
  9. Iksniljiksul

    It's a bug and it's pissing me off to pull a MAX and deal zero damage for the rest of the fight.

    It is not the repair bug either, that one shows the vehicle in constant repair. The zero damage bug is where you see the hits explode on the craft, but no hit indicator and zero damage dealt clip after clip.
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  10. Protential

    Liberators randomly stop taking damage...

    Also notice my Skyguard does not hurt Galaxies somtimes.

    The difference is, I can be hitting a liberator and it just magically switches to invincible.

    Galaxy's usually are or are not invincible.
  11. ent|ty

    I particularly enjoy the nimble anti-ESF Libs and galaxies that can turn around just as fast as a dogfighting esf... just awesome stuff SOE loves to troll us with