Introverts United (IU)

Discussion in 'PlayStation 4 Outfit Recruitment' started by BattleCry1791, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. BattleCry1791

    Do you want to come across the internet and strangle players that blare crap music on their mics?
    Or have their kids wailing in the background like an air raid siren?
    Do you hate it when you get into a group that waggle their Epeens all over the place to the point where you're embarrassed for them?
    Can't stand being in the same group with a player or players that simply cannot shut the **** up?

    Introverts United is recruiting now and may be the place for you.

    I'm looking to put together an outfit for PS2 on Genudine that doesn't actual center around the gameplay, but the general playing experience. I want to create a more than casual, yet less than competitive clan for people who predominately solo and would like to group up with others, but find that grouping emphasis is based on skill, specs, and teamwork and most groups will put up with the nonsense listed above.

    Here's the rules:
    1. No Cheating
    2. No Glitching (if everyone can do "it" with little to no manipulation to the controller then it's a broken game mechanic and is not a glitch).
    3. Absolutely no background noise on the mic (if your best gal Sally wants to talk on the phone then mute that ****).
    4. Teamwork is not mandatory but encouraged
    5. Grouping is not mandatory but encouraged
    6. No Dramabombs
    7. You don't need a mic but should be set up to hear your clan mates if in a group
    8. Have some thick skin, it's still a gaming clan and we will mess with each other
    9. Be competent (management reserves the right to define what competent is on a case by case basis)
    Since this clan is about creating a pleasurable playing experience, your BR, gear, vehicle parts, sex, age, nationality, religious beliefs, and sexual preference don't mean a damn thing. If you're willing to focus on playing the game and take it semi seriously while adhering to the above then you may be IU material.
    Here's the catch:
    Since I am so damn introverted, I'm haven't procured a website or anything else a successful clan needs. Also, I can't be the clan leader. I play at odd hours (like 8am-12pm CST or 9pm-6am CST) so it doesn't make any sense for me to run the day to day, that and I don't have the patience for it anymore though I have run clans in the past.
    However, if IU gets some interest I'll throw up an Einjin site in a heartbeat and write all the process the Clan Leader would need.
    Realistically, this will not be a large clan. But having one or four players watching your back is better than running solo, just so long as you all know what your doing. One to four people can't stop a Zerg but they can improve each other's playing experience.
    Accepting Applications for the following positions:
    Clan Leader
    Spread Sheet Warrior (Resource Officer)
    Clan Mascot (********* we all make fun of)
    Clan regulars
    the following need not apply:
    Stat Padders
    Long distance snipers (sorry fellas, I know it's a perfect introvert position, but they just don't help in most situations). Close support snipers or marksmen are more than welcome.
    Faction is open at this time though I'd prefer to keep it TR or NC. I also have no issues with the clan being across two or all three factions, or any or all servers, or other games. Again, this is about the player experience. If nothing else, you can join and solo to your hearts content and know that if you get a hair up your *** to work in a squad, you don't have to worry about the kind of folks you'll be teaming up with. This is the clan for people that like being part of a larger entity, but some days say to themselves "You know what, I just don't feel like grouping today". That's just fine and you won't be held to task for it.

    Message me here or on the PSN
    - BattleCry1791
  2. FunBotan

    I APPL...
    Oh crap i'm on PC :(
    But that's the best damn outfit i've seen around
  3. BattleCry1791

    Been at the whole clan thing for...well ****, over a decade, so's not my first rodeo. I like to build things that can run with out me being there or if I leave. It's not about me, it's the idea of Introverts coming together to avoid everyone else.
  4. BattleCry1791

    b to the ump
  5. UnclexMystery

    It sounds so lonely. I have to many kids. Dang.
  6. Wizdomtooth

    Digging this right here. I'll look you up battle.