Intel Multi-Core and SLI Optimization, When?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by vulcan78, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. TheAppl3

    Wait, can I complain about you complaining about a complaint-targeting complaint? Does it get too silly at that point?

    It's rare that 100% of users will ever see the exact same result from any performance-related update. It's quite nice that the grand majority of people have experienced significantly improved performance lately (finally...), but sure sucks for those who haven't. Hopefully the next update will fix them without managing to obliterate everyone else's gains in the process. I want practical PhysX back...
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  2. Octiceps

    Yesterday I flew the ESF for the first time since the PU's and my god the performance is garbage. I was getting less than 20 FPS flying over unpopulated terrain. It was just an absolutely unplayable slideshow. I don't remember it ever being this bad before the PU's, so I guess this is just one more thing they broke for some players.
  3. vulcan78

    What is Vsync? Oh my laptop has a battery? What's a battery doing in my laptop? Power-plan? Whats a power-plan!? I'm an idiot, please enlighten me!

    I'm not even going to repeat this pissing contest:
  4. vulcan78

    "Crappy" M18x R2 performance:

    Personal "crappy" benchmarks in signature. Please put yours up for comparison.

    Not repeating this, here's what I said to the last idiot who offered up this "explanation".
  5. Miuku

    You have to understand Vulcan, every town has at least one person who lives to do nothing but complain.
  6. vulcan78

  7. vulcan78

    I usually feel as though I am that person.
  8. Pixelshader

  9. MadBeef

    Did you try unparking your cores? No clue if this will help you but hey, wont hurt to try. Check the following link:
  10. vulcan78

    Yes, cores are unparked and then some with ThrottleStop as attested by the CPU scores in the benches in my signature.

    Game still says I am CPU necked at 4.4 Ghz! The other half of the time it says I am GPU necked yet a cursory glance to Afterburner OSD reflects only 40-50% utilization per card! Massive stutter while flying a Scythe and driving a lightning! Yes adaptive V-sync is on! Yes I have deleted useroptions.ini and let the game make a new one! Yes game is running on SSD!


    Not only am I seeing downwards of 15 FPS while flying a Scythe or driving a Lightning during Zergs with a system that can render Crysis 3 at 60 FPS nearly everywhere with all of the settings maxed (1920x1080) a system that pulls a Firestrike core HIGHER than a single desktop Nvidia GTX 780 but even when the FPS indicate 45+ there is still moderate stutter going on. In a sense the FPS counter is meaningless!

    Oh and if you have an Intel multi-core CPU and are experiencing shots not registering, guess what? You are also victim to "desyncing" due to poor to non-existent optimization!

    So lets sum up shall we? A system that is about 3x more powerful than a Playstation 4, that is on par performance wise with both a desktop GTX 780 (non-Ti) and a Titan, can't render the game that through the so called optimization will run at 60 FPS on the Playstation 4.,1

    And the problem isn't the "optimization" it is a hardware issue. Funny, even guys with desktop 780's reporting the SAME problem:

    There is no denying it, there is no debating it, PS2 IS NOT optimized for Intel multi-core CPU's and multi-GPU systems.

    If I could run the game off of one card I WOULD. Sadly, I see sustained primary GPU temps of 80-85 C running on a single card AND there still exist the stutter issue described in the thread above. Again, it isn't solely an SLI problem it is an SLI problem in conjunction with an Intel multi-core CPU problem.

    What sucks is that the majority of those who can afford high-end systems are those that have largely contributed to the PS2 community by way of premium subscriptions and purchasing items with SC. It is the non-paying portion of the community, running the game on their ultra-books, Macbook Pros and 10 year old desktops that cannot and do not fiscally support the community WHO HAVE BENEFITED FROM "OMFG"/PUO1/PS4 Port".

    I don't believe this is a fair way to treat the portion of the PS2 community that has largely kept it going, that enjoyed the beautiful particle effects and explosions by way of the now disabled PhysX, who had systems capable of rendering these effects, solely to get more suckers into the consumer pool.

    And for those who say, "no no no no, you don't know what youre talking about, OMFG/PU01 was NOT a PS4 port!" please explain how and why SOE is now publicly advertising that PS2 will run at a solid 60 FPS on the PS4, at 1080p, with the same "ultra" graphical settings as found on the PC whereas hitherto THIS WAS TECHNICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Yes that's right, the game has become diluted, dumbed down, what was previously "Medium to High" is now the new "Ultra". Please explain that one.

    I mean, really, are some of you THAT brain-dead?

    No amount of esoteric technical mumbo-jumbo that 95% of people cannot understand is going to dispute the seeming FACT that "OMFG"/PU01 WAS INDEED the porting of PS2 for the Playstation 4 with the AUXILIARY benefit going to those with single AMD CPU and single GPU systems, RIGHT BEFORE THE LAUNCH of the PS4 version. And I am talking RIGHT BEFORE as in it is launching NEXT MONTH.

    PS2 has been out for over a year and only 2 months before the PS4 launch SOE claims that they have undertaken a massive optimization campaign to "improve the performance for the PC community" and many of you believe and even defend this claim?

    Oh man, we are in big trouble societally speaking. A society with next to no critical-thinking ability is a failed one, and well all indicators suggest we are failing.

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  11. MadBeef

    I hear you mate, game is definitely not properly optimized for multi-GPU configs with Intel CPUs and I would love to see my two hd 6970´s being properly utilized instead of both having just like 35% load max.
    That being said, I manage to pull a for me acceptable 60fps even in massive fights or first person ESF by only running Textures on Ultra, FoV at max, quality high, and the rest on medium with AO off, no motion blur or anything else except for Vsync ticked. Would love to run it all maxed out but I can live with this for now.
  12. Octiceps

  13. MadBeef

    Setting power settings to High Performance does that as well yeah.
  14. Octiceps

    I never bothered to check. I just set it to High Performance on every PC I own. Core parking on different OS and hardware configurations seems to be pretty random as far as I can tell. I just helped a friend build an AMD FX based system and core parking was enabled by default even on the High Performance power plan on a clean install of Windows 7. We had to install the Windows Update to disable core parking.
  15. Pixelshader

    meanwhile i can fly a scythe through a random 48+ fight on connery with flawless performance using an intel multi core machine

  16. vulcan78


    If the stutter apparent in this video is your idea of flawless then we have vastly different standards of what fluid, stutter-free gameplay looks and feels like.

    Stutter-city @ the 20 second mark.

    The video you provided, indicative in your opinion of "flawless" performance is WORSE than the V-sync video on the left in the following video showcasing G-sync (which is admittedly a very poor comparison, G-sync is actually far more fluid and stutter free than this, go here to download the demo and see for yourself, youtube doesn't render at 60 FPS)

  17. Pixelshader

    nah, it's smoother than that video

    would you like the original shadowplay recording to pore over?
  18. DirArtillerySupport

    You said it all and then some...but why is any of this surprising? The company makes consoles?!?! They stated quite clearly at the press conference on countdown day,”No Comment” when asked if the game was going to be available on console. We knew enjoy a free game!! NOTHING is free and there is absolutely nothing new about that.
  19. vulcan78

    Very true my friend, this is Sony afterall, but I didn't catch the press conference and wasn't aware that they would use the F2P PC version as an ongoing test-bed for the eventual console release with all of us unwitting participants unpaid play-testers. Not simply un-paid playtesters, WE PAID SONY TO PLAYTEST. Personally speaking, I have roughly $200 in this experience thus far. Yes I feel very bamboozled. No I am not paying for any more premium membership. No I am not purchasing any more SC. I feel as though I have been in an abusive relationship, which is quite understandable when you realize YOU ARE DEALING WITH A CORPORATION WHICH BEHAVES AS ANY OTHER CORPORATION.


    Chicanery sums up SOE nicely in one word.

    But if you look at it from the perspective of the corporate caste, what Sony did is POSITIVELY BRILLIANT. This defines an evolution of game development. Normally, video-game studios have to pay play-testers to test a beta before release. In the case of Planetside 2, Sony managed to make an untold sum of profit in this process, with thousands, no tens of thousands of unwitting play-testers PAYING to test the beta AND reporting all of the various bugs, perceived imbalances and interesting conceptual ideas on a public forum, namely this one. This is the new game development model.

  20. Amarsir

    It's interesting, vulcan78. I read the first post and you had a reasonable point about their tech integration. But then as I progressed through the thread every follow-up post you made was progressively crazier. Eventually you reached the credibility of a crackhead in a tin-foil hat ranting at full volume in a subway car.

    So I guess the moral is to quit while you're ahead.
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