[Suggestion] Intel Channel

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PyroPaul, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. PyroPaul

    Information is key in winning or losing in this game.

    Good intel can lead to stopping a tank spam in a bottle neck canyon or prevent you're fighter squadron from flying into a air-zone death trap, just as Bad intel (or lack there of) can cause the inverse, allowing tank zergs to roll unopposed until they are camping your warp gate or simply feeding AA MAX squads points as you fly into their kill zone like the 5 pilots before you.

    So, I suggest the addition of a Continental Wide 'Intel Channel'
    Unlike Orders which can be seen globally and is entirely dependent on the competency and/or commitment of Squad Leaders to provide Intel to people Not inside their squad, Intel could be chat in by every one.

    Of course, with the addition of such a channel comes the dreadful 'Spam' which people hate for some reason... even though a talking community is actually a more successful one, and most chat channels are largely silent unless if you're in an outfit or large platoon.

    but to disuade spam or false intel, place a 'cool down' timer on entries.
    Effectively you can only Post intel reports once every several minutes.
    5-10-15-30... what ever.

    This would allow wide scale communication to update on conditions players run into...
    A push... A zerg... A failing defense... A successful attack.

    and allow Others to use this information accordingly.
    Aid or Avoid.