[Suggestion] Instant Action (current Meta) Needs to Be Balanced and Reworked

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Warnarl, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Warnarl

    The Instant Action (or IA) is way out of control and favors too much to defender zerg.

    While its suppose to allow bases to reinforce against a high pop enemy. What is does now is allow defenders to instantly crush an enemy force and move to another base to defend and wipe out the enemy attackers. SOE does have a system to prevent over enforcements, it does counter defending force to spawn a big force that way outpops a enemy force when they spawn all at once on a once low pop defender area. AS well as there are other ways to get around the system lockout with squad leads flying in and their squads spawning in.

    This effects the game negatively by:
    -Making IA Defender-Side being the main META
    -its not worth it for organize squads to push out to attack a base vs IA defense that wipes them out.
    -This is especially true during alerts were the organize IA defend while allowing the random zerg on their side take territories.
    -causes disbands of squads/platoons who do not get anywhere attacking bases do to IA defense happening everytime they do.

    Instant Action is suppose to allow reinforcements, not be the instant win for one side that defends majority of the time. Heres my purpose changes to balance IA.

    1. Make Instant Action costs Nanite resource.
    -Suggested cost of 100 N per instant action beyond the closest territories near the territory your in.
    -a 3min cost timer for IA activates that if IA to another area within the timer, increases the cost of IA by 25n, 50n, 100 nanites. And timer increases to 5mins, 10mins, 15mins.
    -First time IA of the day and random IA remain free
    -This will curve the defender zerg stomping an attacking force.
    -Removes the IA defender meta and moves it back to what it should be a stategy players can use but not necessary to depend on only.

    2. Allow attacking forces to instant action in on sundies (and gals in the future perhaps) to rienforce and escilate the conflict in that area.
    -Its too one sided that defenders only get reinforcements and even with the purpose nanites changes can still have platoons IA defend.
    -Increase the cost of the sundies by 200 nanites as a result of the change, 400n total.
    -make IA to those sundies cost 125ns and scale from their. This is so that it favors defenders slghtly for IA but not be exclusive to them anymore.
    -perhaps make it so that sundies being used for reinforcements to apear on the map as thos forces spawn in do to the increase heat and energy to spawn someone from far away. Stealth could eliminate that downside if equiped.

    3. Allow spawning to any territories touching the territory your in, not just the lanes.
    -Removes the pain in the buttox of spawn hoping to a territory right next to yours. Its very fustrating!
    -costs no nanites since its not IA
    -devs make us consumers happy doing this, more likely to stay and play :)

    I hope the devs look at this and take action of some sort to curve or eliminate the Instant Action Meta problem. My outfit and others hate that meta and it might cause us to go hiatus on planetside 2 again because we are tired of it. Its not a threat to cause change, just stating a fact that PS2 is on a thread with many players who still want to play the game. But hate the obvious unbalances the game has. IA defender meta is just one that all sides have to deal with, not just us.
  2. FateJH

    What if Instant Action teleported enemies behind the person who pressed it?
  3. MotionBlured

    Instant action and redeploy are 2 completely different things, and you made a thread about the wrong one.
  4. Warnarl

    redeploying to an faction owned area that not in or around the areas your closest to is IA. It goes back to the beta days and first months of PS2 when the hex sysytem was around.

    Basically when a defending territory that needs reinforcements comes up to be deployed on, thats an Instant Action zone. Random instant actions picks one of the reinforcement areas in the world that needs help at random.
  5. Warnarl

    they would be ghosts so why would it matter?
  6. Walnutbutter

    So basically: nerf IA and sundies, and buff redeploying?
  7. Warnarl

    its not so cut and dry as that.

    IA was improved overtime from beta to what we have now. The devs did not consider the downsides of having it so one sided and powerful for defenders only. By adding a nanite cost for IA and sundies for attackers to use IA in on would improve the system tremendously!

    As to the redeploying around your territory your in, regardless of if its connected to lanes. Thats just common sense to suggest it as an improvement to the game.