****ing NS-7, how does it work!?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sordid, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Dkamanus

    To which I reply two things: Nanites and 29th century.
  2. Last Phantom

  3. Sordid

    To be fair, wouldn't it be awesome if nanites in PS2 actually worked like that? :p
  4. Kitakami

    Absurd. My explanation is more plausible.

    The bullets fire backwards from the magazine, into your right shoulder where they're steered by gyrojets across your chest, down your left arm and into the barrel via your grip. Because the NS bullets are faction-non-specific until they leave the barrel, they do no friendly fire damage and don't lock the weapon while they're travelling through the body.
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  5. sladuog

    Worst weapon design since the Fisher-Price powerdrill that is the MCG.

    Well, it actually looks cool, but it doesn't make any sense. The MCG just looks dumb. Underslung WHEN?
  6. ToothpasteEater

    But... but Star Wars ... pew-pew ... jedis were able to react and deflect them...
    Well, vanu don't shoot lasers, they use them to heat up the gas to plasma state and then they pack them with magnet field (you know, plasma is affected by electromgnetic force), that's realistic. They have alien technology and they probably have acces to very efficient batteries with high capacity.

    There is another thing that bothers me. NC weapons have higher recoil, while their bullets have the same speed as TR weapons, so NC bullets weight more. I was wondering from where their weapons take all the energy to accelerate bullets to the speed of sound and faster. TR use chemical energy accumulated in powder and NC... Can you even imagine how much energy one must put into electromagnet to accelerate a bullet to such speed in split-second, how about 30 bullets? I can't imagine Gauss SAW running on duracell even in 29th century.
  7. Herby20

    Uhhh, electromagnetism is the act of inducing a magnetic field on an object though electricity. The difference between the two is magnets can't turn off. For all intents and purposes, railguns and gauss weapons both work by using magnetism.
  8. PastalavistaBB

    While the good Auraxians are at it, could they please explain it to me how VS weapons do work? :)
  9. Ronin Oni

    Uh... simple.

    Just cause you insert the mag in from the top doesn't mean the bullets have to come out the bottom....
  10. Sordid

    Well it kinda does. Where else would they come out of? You can see the top sticking out of the weapon, so they're not coming out of there.
  11. Kurohagane

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  12. NC_agent00kevin

    I cannot even begin to tell you how many times Ive gone round with fans and critics and modellers over designing smooth, fairly simple weapons. And not only weapons but everything. The look of the future is not gritty and full of odd protrusions and things that do nothing, its not full of exposed delicate wiring and machinery - its smooth and protected, functional and sleek.

    That said, I like cool scifi totally unrealistic and impractical stuff. Just not in the game that I make.
  13. Sordid

    And what kind of mechanism moves the round out of the magazine, pray tell?
  14. Ronin Oni


    Nanites :p
  15. tralalog

    this is by far the best thread on this forum. i spit my cereal out 1st time i read it
  16. Blue_Moon

    In this game exists laser rifles, jetpacks, planes you can jump out of without a parachute and emerge without a scratch, and flying tanks, and yet there's an issue with a misplaced rail and seemingly upside down cartridge?

    Maybe the upside down cartridge is why the gun sucks so much. >:D Yes, I went there.
  17. Hoki

    Anyone here ever read Old Man's War?

    Its and Empee!
  18. Kurohagane


    Or just keep in mind i didn't represent that graphically because i was lazy.


    Or this, which makes more sense

  19. hansgrosse

    Took Kurohagane's idea and modified it a bit. If we look at the crappy paint mockup below, the magazine itself contains the weapon's bolt assembly (the red bit). An actuator in the gun's magazine well drives the magazine's internal bolt forward by applying forward pressure to the tab sticking out the side, pushing the round into the chamber, at which point a firing pin in the bolt strikes the round's primer and drives the bullet down the barrel. The force of the recoil pushes the bolt back into its starting position and the process begins again. Wash, rinse, repeat until mag is empty.


    Use of caseless ammunition would circumvent the system's inability to eject spent casings once a round has been fired.
  20. a4555in

    Don't want to goo off topic, but i gotta ask why people dont wonder how 60+ rockets manage to get stuffed inside an ESF.