[BUG] Infinite Afterburner Glitch Needs to be fixed, too op.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rts Marshall, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Rts Marshall

    It can be done on any vehicle that has any sort of boost, This video will explain how severe this glitch is.
    I had a few of my friends on connery accused of speed hacking because of this glitch so exploit at your own risk.

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  2. Rts Marshall

    This can work on flashes, harrasers, libs, esf, anything with boost
  3. FateJH

    Gotta go fast

  4. Bindlestiff

    Finally a proper duration for Magburner.

    No of course not, that is ridiculous and needs fixing ASAP.
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  5. Respawn

    Haha thats me in the green harasser at 3:05 in the video (ign: Back2Respawn4u)
    Indeed I was one who accused you of speedhacking yesterday. I initially suspected hacks since I've seen alot of infantrymen speed hacking and flying around in the past.
    I didn't report however, since I only got a glimpse once and was not able to see the speeding magrider since.
    I'll try this out later tonight and will report back whether I can reproduce the glitch.
    Still, I'd advice against using the glitch in PvP gameplay since others may not be so lenient to report ~
  6. XanIves

    Finally, there have been a few certain members of the community that have known about this glitch for a very, very long time, but none of them were willing to give up the information to actually do it, because they were afriad that it might get patched and their flying flashes might get removed. This goes a long way towards raising awareness of this bug, you did the devs a great service with this video dude.
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  7. Rts Marshall

    With the glitch we where able to conferm that the max afterburner speed for the Maggie is 108-110 kph but if you had no acceleration penalty you can get the Maggie up to +145 kph (faster than Galaxy Dropship) while your turning which is why its one of the Most Op glitches in the game. This Needs To Be Fixed.
  8. EPIC389

    We have a bigger problem to fix than the afterburner glitch

    The full auto sniper rifle