
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SarahM, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. Jubikus

    On emerald at least the times ive been playing theres actually been little to no infiltrators theres a couple of smg/stalker but snipers have been rare.
  2. Eternaloptimist

    Interesting thought - thanks. Currently I'm running regen so that I can carry AI mines instead of medkits. But that is because I've only ever found regen immediately useful so I never really looked into anything else. I'll have a look at Sensor Shield next time I log on and see what it does.
  3. haldolium

    It's just you. There hasn't been a significant change lately.
  4. Savadrin

    It's tough to get off the juice, but I quit medkits a long time ago as a stalker. If you're going to go prox mine, go HAM and get two.

    My reasoning is threefold:

    First, you can double stack and ensure a kill on anything but a MAX. A ton of people run Flak and just shrug off your mines. This is not the best use of resources, but it can work.

    Second, two mines really are better than one. There's nothing quite like getting a kill, dropping another mine in the same place and getting another kill. Conversely, it can allow you to leave one in a high traffic area, change zones, and then still have one usable. You will eventually get a kill message ;)

    Third, and most importantly to me - if you're setting up shop to Blackhand snipe/countersnipe (Saerro Listening post is one of my favorite high kill locations) - you can use two mines to amazing effect as a kill/deterrent/early warning system.This is accomplished by placing them at or near common entrances that are out of your line of sight. You can now effectively cover two possible kill paths that will end your fun early.

    Most people seem to feel compelled to blow up a prox mine when they see one. I try to throw one of mine on top of theirs, or avoid it so that I have surprise still. You'd be surprised how many kills you get by putting a prox on top of an enemy prox or tank mine.
  5. Exitus Acta Probat

    I like to put motion sensors in the water then a mine right next to it, people always feel the need to be point blank when shooting the sensor.
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  6. FateJH

    Quite often, it's a matter of not really being able to see the thing that well outside of spitting distance depending on the terrain.
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  7. Savadrin

    I'm going to Hossin tonight.
  8. Hegeteus

    But think of mag-scatter stalkers :oops:
  9. TheFlamingLemon

    Tbh if everyone was an infiltrator, it would still be a damn good FPS. Much better than an FPS in which everyone plays heavy assault, which is basically what we have now.
  10. iller


    I'm DEFINITELY the only source of EMP grenades 99.9% of the time

    Huh, what are you talking about
  11. Eternaloptimist

    Thanks for this - I carry two AI mines and I use some of these tricks but others are new to me so I'll definitely give them a go!
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  12. Savadrin

    Couple tidbits - it's tough to do, but you can get VS (and I assume NC) mines to land upside down if you're lucky. They don't like to do it, but stairs, crates, the actual cap point glowy thing, and terminals can all be used to do this.

    Since people know to look for the lights, they often miss a flipped mine.

    Additionally, you can stick ANY of them ON the terminal wings, or the cap point thing itself. When you put a glowy mine on top of a console, or something else that is already glowy it makes them infinitely harder to notice.

    That, and placing in them in a place where a player would typically consider himself "safe" - a hallway near spawn but not near point. whichever side of a doorway people cling to when running to objective, but inside the room along the wall.

    It's the same concept of placing your body, as a stalker, where people typically aren't looking for a stalker. They'll miss you +90% of the time, and for heaven's sake stay out of where they may accidentally crosshair you and have their reticle turn red for a free kill. It DOES see through stalker cloak, though I wish they would fix that.
  13. Problem Officer

    Is that really a thing?
    I'm usually too bad at Stalker to get that close.

    Not sure if it's from graphics settings but NC mines appear to have the same glow on both sides.
  14. Devilllike

    There might be since many people think that infiltrator is just camping or its an easy class to play but honestly 90% of the infis i see are just low level campers that can barely use their cloack.

    Its one of the most rare things to find a player that worth playing against.Plus the new players get rid off the other campers or people who just tend to be sitting ducks.

    Other than that since i am a very experienced infiltrator new guys should not be playing as that class because camping is not supposed to be the way to play it,it gives a bad example and they learn things the hard way.So just an advice keep moving and nobody will get hurt lol
    ("I got bighorn 50,about 12k kills on my rams pretty much auraxiumed all the snipers i had even the knife")
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  15. Moz

    Well that's certainly interesting..... If they think it is ANY better than it used to be they are sorely mistaken.

    The auto de-cloak is nothing but a hindrance, and you can actually de-cloak and fire FASTER doing it manually.

    All the experienced Infiltrators i know have turned this setting off in the .ini ( i know i have).

    On topic: I must admit I have seen quite a few more Infil than i'm used to recently. Most of them seem to be playing it as a sniper though....
  16. Savadrin

    I've noticed a big uptick in stalkers. Not necessarily good ones, but definitely more stalkers.

    The class is self-limiting though, most people don't have the patience or right mentality to play it effectively for a long time. At least IMO.
  17. iller

    the biggest Limiting factor to it is getting your own EMP3 shield and a non-crap pistol unless you're TR who starts off with easy-mode repeater. And most new players definitely don't know how to combine the right number of implants together to upstage their heriarchy. So the whole set up is a very pricey Cert investment that ironically earns you the least amount of Certs per hour of most loadouts

    They need to fix it by muffling the Audible range of Stalker voice Callouts and make their Spotting show the name plate through walls so long as the stalker remains crouched .... not full on chams overlaying, but just a better indicator than the stupid darts already provide, with an assist bonus to match
  18. Savadrin

    I recently picked up the full auto pistol on TR (T4 AMP I think?) but I don't feel like overall it's better than a Blackhand/Commish/Boss, though I haven't used the underboss yet much at all.

    I do love it on my sniper build though as a secondary, it gives me much lacking juice when i'm running a 12x scope and trying to hipfire instead.

    There are a lot of things that could be done to help INFs be more effective, but ironically everyone says "ZAMG YUO HAS CLOAKS WHAT ELSE COULD YOU EVER NEED?" and now that I'm accustomed to the difficulties/peculiarities of the class, I don't really even want it changed to be easier.

    I like knowing that the longer I spot, the more people are coming to find me. And spotting enemy tanks while sitting on top of them is lul. It's getting away that can be tricky ;)
  19. iller

    yah I kinda misworded that starting off.... my main point was that just like you said there's a steep investment. But unlike your apt "emergent gaming" conclusions about its psychological impact, I still maintain that its a FACT that the XP/Meta incentives just aren't there for the intermediate resulting in a high adoption rate followed by a STEEP drop off in followthrough. I'm not suggesting the risk reward curve be linear. But it definitely needs to be more than just Spectator Mode / Prop-Hunt
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  20. Savadrin

    For fast food gamers, it's definitely not the way to go. If you fret over KPH and EXP/H one is actually fairly easy and one is not so easy comparatively.

    I find it easy to end a life with 3-5 kills but 5-8k experience up to 12-14k if it was a decent run, but I also don't get antsy when I can't pew pew pew non stop. I'd play a different class to feed myself into the grinder.

    I think we are pretty well in agreement - I'd love to have roles that couldn't be filled by a single or two INFs in a platoon sized engagement. Whether I lone wolf or not I am usually gauging what the team does, turning down squad invites, and trying to grease the wheels for them anyway.

    But yeah, if you want DAKKA, need not apply. If you want to mercilessly troll your enemies and make them constantly paranoid or pissed off when moving through the world, welcome to the table.