Infiltrators too versatile

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Polystigma, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. ncDieseL


    Disagree. I don't play infiltrator very often, but it's a completely different play style. If you think you can just equip an SMG, switch on the cloak and run in to groups of enemies and "waste" them you've obviously never tried it. It's all about wreaking havoc behind enemy lines. Killing targets caught off-guard, hacking terminals, hacking turrets and using them against them, it's all about getting behind enemies and hitting them when they think they're safe and aren't paying attention.

    It can be fun for some people, but I find it a little too tedious. However, I would never say it's OP or anything like that, infiltrators even have less HP than the other classes.
  2. LordCreepy

    We recently held an platoon infil only event.
    Have to admit it was fun.
    But the class is far from too versatile.
    We manged to break camped spwans, we had no tools to destroy the enemy ams tough.
    Without medics it's hard to effectivly defend a large base ( we tried in a tech plant).
    The best part was that we actually forced an NC outfit to all run around with flashlights- I have to admit that was pretty hilarious.
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  3. VakarisJ

    You're right, you don't play infil much. Small-mag SMGs are worse in just about every other way then large-mag SMGs, take Eridani vs Sirius as an example:
    50 round battery
    845 RPM
    same amount of bullets to the head needed to kill (faster TTK using headshots)
    can use laser sight attachment with no downsides

    24 round battery
    750 RPM
    higher damage per bullet (meaning 0.02s faster TTK to the body -- worthless)
    has to use extended mags in order to compensate for low mag size, resulting in worse accuracy

    While you can fire slightly before you actually come out of cloak on their screen, if you're fighting a heavy, he can overcompensate for it with his shield. A medic can bridge the gap with the self-heal. An other infil and cloak, duck to the side and into cover, resetting the fight. A light assault can jump-jet diagonally and over you, screwing up your aim (assuming you're an average player). Against a MAX it won't matter and the only class that doesn't really have an in-built answer for it is the engineer, who probably won't be on the front lines anyway. Even then, if you have better aim, you'll likely win against the infil anyway, because he has less shields and worse armament.
  4. AltF4Fun

    Didnt you hear that flashlights are totally op haxxor stuff?Just slap one on your gun and you will make every infil in 1000m visible.On a serious note, just try to put one on your secondary, maybe it helps. Most likely,most of them will abandon this class when a new toy comes out, was always like that. Just give it some time. Right now its just the cycle of SMGs.In a few weeks it will be something else.
  5. HadesR

    I try not to have an honest head to head fight even when I play HA ... Shoot them in the back :)
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  6. DrPapaPenguin

    Not for TR it ain't :(

    As for OP.....


    :D Yeah, mate, if you play with your ears plugged and your eyes closed, then yah, infiltrators are overpowered. Because if the audio ques for them were any louder, they would sound like an air raid siren.

    It's a class that's about as useful as a condom dispenser in Vatican against vehicles. The crossbow with explosive bolts kind of changed that, problem is, when it came out people wanted to test how many bolts were needed to kill a vanguard. The count goes on to this day.
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  7. MostlyClueless

    What class isn't versatile? The Engineer has deployable turrets, bags of Mines and can heal MAX's or Tanks. The medic can self heal, bring people back to life and has some of the strongest weapons in the game. The heavy assault is rediculously tough, carries both a high capacity LMG for killing hordes of people and a rocket launcher for tanks. The light assault can attack from angles you don't expect, drop C4 on tanks from on high and generally be an utter pain in the *** to deal with.

    Everyone is versatile. It's not a problem.
  8. Bruhja

    The problem of infiltrators is
    A) they have nothing to infiltrate.
    B) They have about the same hit points as a light assult

    Combine B with an SMG's stupid fast rate of fire which means more in this game than actual knock down power and you can see the issue forming.

    As far as oversheild goes it only works 50% of the time if your already taking damage. Many times i have hit the key up to and including 3 times in a row while taking damage and no oversheild ever enabled and i dropped dead.

    If you get jumped by anyone using an SMG in CQB you will get about 3 rounds out of your LMG as they have unload 8-10 rounds into you.

    I die more times from PDW's and Sirus SX12's than anyother weapon in the game.

    all the devs have to do is utilize trend analytics to find out what needs balancing, its not hard the server does all the work. All they have to do is read it, but i guess that would take precious time away from making really important things like decals and camos.
  9. VakarisJ

    All classes have 500 hitpoints. Infiltrators have 400 shields. All other classes have 500 shields. Heavies also have overshields.
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  10. Tuco

    Wouldn't be so bad if we could play the anti-cloaking cloaker; the darklight works while cloaked and it was actually a "Dark"light.
  11. Tuco

    Yeah, so instead of dying in 0.5 seconds they die in 0.4 seconds. Big difference.
  12. Tuco

    Tweaking around and taking advantage of server lag isn't "skill". It's actually pretty obnoxious.
  13. Cinnamon

    Infiltrator mafia is too stronk give up now. Just know when you have to play the infiltrator yourself to do well and buy your SMG like a good little boy.
  14. aoyagiaichou

    I wouldn't say versatile, they just have a lot of stuff to do / use, unlike any other class. Engineer is the closest with the number of possibilities, but still not close enough. And don't get me started on how LA is completely left out of anything as their only "features" are running on rooftops and throwing C4s around.

    In other words, I don't think infiltrators are too feature-rich, I think the other classes are not feature-rich enough!

    (as a side-note, I do consider infiltrators to be the most annoying, but that's solely because of cloak easymode)
  15. Niller

    Wow, how can anyone even complain about infiltrators being easy to use... Heavy assault have always been the easy mode class, anyone with decent aim can win in a 1v1 encounter due to the overshield, not to mention LMG and Rocket launcher. It's great that infiltrators have a chance to counter them by being sneaky, enough of this mindless pressing of F to win.
  16. LordCreepy

    Don't get me wrong tough, it is indeed incredible easy to rank up stupid k/d ratios as an smg infiltrator.
    Just get behind or in the flank of the mindless zerg in a big fight.
    Explosions and gunfire overlap the decloak sound, and client side hitreg is in favor for the infiltrator.
    The moment you'll notice him you're most likely dropped dead allready.

    The point is: these kills have zero to none impact in the actual battle. Victims will be rezzed and infils will be found eventually.
    Much faster when outfits enter the battle and start with recon darts.

    The class itself is great for "mlg pro 360 noscope" players i guess - positioning yourself right can be incredibly rewarding.
    Most of the infil. playerbase will agree that the class itself serves almost no purpose besides hacking terms and spamming darts ( and 1 infil out of a platoon is allready enough for that job..)
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  17. VakarisJ

    It adds up. Some weapons take half as much time to kill an infil as other classes, such as the commissioner, while the infil's weapons take longer to kill other classes. It's never one big thing, it's always a lot of small ones.
  18. Posse

    Yep, a learn to play problem (tip: They're not invisible unless you're playing on Low settings)

    Before last patch, SMG Infiltrators were just free food for my Orion, and even after the patch, I'm still more worried about a LA flanking me or another HA than about an SMG Infiltrator

    If you get jumped and the guy has decent aim, you die, periodd, that happens with any weapon, oh and btw, the best LMGs have more DPS than the best SMGs (except for the Armistice)
  19. maxkeiser

    I normally get killed by infiltrators and other people when I'm afk (picking up a cup of tea, looking away from the keyboard for 2 seconds) or just messing around. It always happens.

    I look at the map for like 1 second and someone kills me.

    It's one of the things I like about the game. You're never safe. Ever.
  20. Hoki

    I keep score with how many people kill me with a sidearm, and its very low even against infs.

    If you want to hunt infs, your best bet will be to cert into recon dart and recon tool, and bring a cyclone with you.

    Make it a special loudout to where you aren't relying on a pistol. If you are hunting a season'd infs that are used to defending themselves with a sidearm (snipers and/or stalkers), then they're more than likely better than you are with a pistol.