Infiltrators on Low Graphicsquality

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SynaptixBrainstorm, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. SynaptixBrainstorm

    As the title says.
    There really is something wrong when it comes to something like cloaked infiltrators on low graphic settings since this is a important thing in this game and it is really unbalanced. Not to mention what kind of joke it is to see cloaked walking infiltrators on at least medium graphic settingsand above (GraphicsQualitiy).

    Is there nothing you can do SOE to bring this differences a bit closer together ?

    I would really like to see something instead of reacting like a fly when the suddenly decloak straight infront of me.

    I also had quit ALOT of situation where i was engaging an infiltrator uncloaked and then they cloaked and were gone. and i really tried to keep my focus on it but still. There is simply not enough visibility on low settings.

    Please fix this sometimes

    Thanks for listen
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  2. Shatters

    They tried, infiltrators were gret blobs on low settings. Everybody switched to low settings for easy infiltrator kills. SoE changed it back to its current state afterwards. Technical limitations probably disallows a in-between option.
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  3. Champagon

    upgrade your machine
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  4. TheBlindFreak

    I play with everything as low as it can. Except for the Graphics Quality (?) option which is set to medium. It is responsible for the shaders that give the cloak that nice glass appearance.
  5. MasterCheef

    No one switched to low settings just to kill infiltrators.
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  6. Shatters

    Yes they did, actually.
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  7. MasterCheef

    Infiltrators were never that big enough a problem to lower graphic settings JUST to kill them. Infiltrators were easy to spot on any graphic settings if they were running about as if they were completely invisible. We were not changing our graphic settings, you were just being careless.
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  8. Shatters

    Infiltrators on low where easy to spot while cloacked from 200m away. Thats why people changed their graphics to low.
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  9. Caserion

    Can't they just make them more visible on low than they are now while still being less visible than they were before when the black blops could be seen from anywhere?
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  10. SynaptixBrainstorm

    Sure ...they could make them more visible then they was back in the days as white "shot me" infitrators...
    They are just to lazy to rework this since the minority of players is on low graphics...
  11. SynaptixBrainstorm

    well if i see no change im done with this game....dont tell me to upgrade my machine ffs!! it should be fair on all graphic settings. otherwise they should cancel low graphics completley!!! make it fair or im done with this tired of dying by no skill infiltrators they practically can turn 96% invisible instead of medium graphics like around 60%...its dumb and NOT FAIR!
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  12. 24NoSwagWithScope7

    Yeah because this makes the low settings any fair? 1/10
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  13. 24NoSwagWithScope7

    Well you are right it's not fair. I had some while ago the experience with high graphics. But since my PC broke and i dont have the money to upgrade yet. I now see and feel with you. It is basically impossible to track them down. I lost so many engagement because they simply cloaked and went away returned and BAMM Cyclone instagib without any knowing or seeing.It actually need skill to play infitrator as easy as it is to see them on higher settings. But versus people on low settings....sheesh it's ******** hard!
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  14. DK22

    put me in the I don't care slot, got about 4 tonight, sneaky little buggers. game on.
  15. SynaptixBrainstorm

    NP got you put there. i do care tho
  16. SynaptixBrainstorm

    yeah thats true and wasnt good like not at all ! and i dont want it to be like this again. but something needs to be done
  17. SynaptixBrainstorm

  18. andy_m

    Ooohh... now then now then... no need to get nasty about us infiltraitors :D
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  19. SynaptixBrainstorm

    yeah nope you are right :p im actually enjoying playing infiltrator myself. And i can tell who is playing on low settings and who sorry for all low settings users out there for getting rekt :D
    no competition in that case ...sadly!!!
  20. patrykK1028

    The same goes to NV scopes, they have muuuuuuch shorter range on low settings..
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