[Guide] Infiltrator's Guide to Success Channel

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by killmenoobs, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. killmenoobs

  2. Inf1nite

    Ok dude, you need to work on your videos a lot... I watched your first video and half of your second one and you've only gotten one kill and you're doing live commentary (bad idea). You also seem to just be repeating over and over the same things as well, and you don't seem to have much experience with the class off of what I've seen.

    You say that if you just want to kill people you should snipe and if you want to support go close quarters. I completely disagree with this, I myself, get more kills when I go close quarters SMG Infiltrator than I do sniping and sniping requires more patience and aim.

    You also completely left out scout rifles in the 'infiltrating' playstyle you suggested. I wouldn't even call these reviews or guides and they have some pretty bad gameplay. Not trying to say 'YOU SUCK GO DIE IN A HOLE', i'm just trying to say that you gotta improve a lot.
  3. Zagareth

    fixed :D

    (sorry couldn't resist) ;)
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  4. salembeats

    There's so much ignorance and misinformation in this video that it makes me confused over whether I should be laughing or crying.

    You're simply not aware of what you don't know.

    I've been there before too (when I first started this game)
    but the difference is that
    I was AWARE that I had no idea what I was doing and I would've never considered trying to teach people.

    I skimmed the video because I couldn't stand to watch the whole thing, but I'd like to touch on a couple of remarks you made in the video:

    #1: When a person says "better/worse", they should generally append "for... (X/Y/Z)" to the sentence.
    The lower-tier sniper rifles are great for shorter-distance sniping because they put bullets down range more quickly. The lumbering RAMS is not the be-all-and-end-all of BASRs.

    #2: Be honest. For example:
    You said that the reason you're using the Recon Darts is that they last longer than the Motion Spotter. Not only is this entirely untrue, but upon further investigation you reveal that the REAL reason you use the Recon Darts exclusively is that you haven't certed into the motion spotter at all! You're not even aware that it exists.
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