Infiltrators automatic rifles - appriciation

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Mechasmeep, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Mechasmeep

    No complaint, bug or whine. Just a personal statement to provide insight to other players as I had trouble deciding whether to pick it up

    Im playing NC so im using the stalker
    The base stalker has a VERY favorable ROF and is nicely controllable.

    I created two setups, one with supressor, one with flash supressor and both with forward grip.
    Im not into silenced weapons due to the bullet velocity and damage reduction so im using the flash supressor setup most of the times and compensates with fast burst kills and immediate displacement as defence supported by mines.

    Its easy to kills 1-2 with the rifle and take down another two with mines as i use stealth to reposition.

    As one having played a lot with gauss s with underbarrel launcher (got top medal) i have to say the accuray and rate of fire makes the stalker a superior cqb weapon if you dont miss

    Some people complain about the 20round mag but i feel its compensated by a fast reload speed - and i have been able to get two kills pr mag. But dont play it as headon assault anyway.

    I have my primary setup to be with the stalker and i only use the sa80 if im force to snipe in the open fields. It redefined the infil class for me and fits perfectly as an infiltration class for me

    - still miss the pistol only always on stealth though :)

    Edit : in larger engagements i play the role of a flanking support where i can easily spread confusion in the enemy defence, distract their flank.

    Some people play for kills and kills only. I really like stealth flanking, popping off their medic and the low health heavy hiding from our main front - seeing those kills attract attention, put out a few mines, maybe de-stealth and kill the ligth assault charging my way before retreating. Sitting from cover some distance out, seeing the next die to my mine and generally see that i have distracted 5-8 guys from fighting our main force.

    Cant do that with a bolt action