Infiltrator Tool Idea

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by MrGhosty, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. MrGhosty

    I was recently lamenting that I have very little reason to pull my flare gun anymore, while some of you will be pleased that particular weapon has gone away it did get me thinking.

    I would like to see infiltrator tool types.

    You would have your basic (default) recon dart gun
    A flare variant that pinged targets for a shorter timespan but compensated by having a flare that made Thermal and Night Vision scopes less effective for a duration (I say less effective, not null I would liken the effect to using NV during the peak of the sun)
    Perhaps a tool that instead of recon darts or flares fired a targeted EMP that could temporarily disable or confuse maxes and vehicles?
    I would be interested in reading other people's opinions on the matter. I was thinking these sort of tools could drastically alter or provide additional ways to play the infiltrator class and breath more life into it.
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  2. nonrg1

    i wouldnt like the idea of making infiltrators having an ability against vehicles. having said that, my main class is an infiltrator and i like to keep it the way it is right now.
    sure we are useless against vehicles but we can turn invisible.
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  3. CuteBeaver

    "TeeHee It Tickles" Anti-Everything Dart:
    Fire on any vehicle/person and it gives them pain indicators every second while only doing small amount of damage for the lifespan of the dart. Turn on fraps while they flip out. Also invokes loud screaming.

    Ensure your target is easily trackable by a trail of toxic rainbows left behind them. Standing still, or near allies not advised.

    Robot Friend-Tether:
    Sneak up to an enemy max and tether them down to a nearby object. Requires infantry knife, and screaming sadface robot tears to enlist help to cut them free.

    "Heavy Duty" Taser Laser:
    Tired of trying to fight couples holding hands? Use the charge up Taser Laser* knock out one of the pair for approximately 5 blissful seconds while you introduce yourself to their date. A shocking experience for everyone involved. Remember you cant fire on the taser'ed subject as their shields are super charged and won't take damage until after the affect wears off.
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  4. Stinneyt

    My idea was for a laser pointer. An infiltrator with a laser pointer could paint a target that a properly equipped engineer, heavy or ESF/Liberators in the squad could fire a missile to.
    It would give infiltrators a proper role within the squad, and you could get creative when firing shots on targets behind cover.

    Might be a bit OP though. maybe one missile per infiltrator painting target.
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  5. Premium

    I like the idea of a dart that can be used vs a mechanical vehicle. Perhaps a hack dart that randomly flips controls around for a short duration. If you ever played games that did this, you know how deadly this can become. Unless there skilled players, then its just an annoyance.
    Or a device you can deploy, that fills the enemy radar with false blips.
    The flare also sounds like an interesting idea, however that sounds more like a mechanic tool.\

    I would truly love to see small drones, that could be configured to use these tools, or a small gun.
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  6. DeathSparx

    "Power at 400% capacity." :rolleyes:
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  7. MrGhosty

    The reason I thought of the flare is a way for the Infiltrator to use it to cover their escape, my primary thinking was the flare would serve as a distraction while also providing radar for a shorter duration than a normal recon dart. I don't know that I would want any type of hacking dart for vehicles as that could be a tad overpowered, but being able to stop a tank from shooting at you for a second or so would be extremely valuable. The only possible abuse that I can think of would be spamming them next to an ammo pack, but you could easily make some of the ammo types require resources like C4 or Mines.

    All of this stems from playing with my outfit and we very rarely have use for infiltrator except to fire recon darts everywhere, that and it would make for some epic moments if a flare pops above a field as a platoon rushes a point.

    I also want to stress that I'm in no way asking for god mode darts or anything silly, it would just be nice to have more specialization for the infiltrator class. The way of playing things now would still remain viable of course, this might just provide some more unique squad play than is currently possible.
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