Infiltrator - the fun killer class (rant)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drasilov, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. JackD

    I dont see were those things are bad. What you are basically saying is that you cant camp because of Infiltratos. And then you say that those Infiltrators are not effective because they keep you from defending. It sounds very effective if they kjeep you from defending. Just start to move...
  2. Taemien

    Don't get jumped by SMG infils. Jump them instead.

    Seriously, play one. When you play something you understand it. When you understand it, you know its weakenesses. When you know something's weakness... its an easy kill.

    I'll go SMG infil once in a while, and because I know how they play. I also know where they come from in a base. I know where they hide once in. And because of this, I shoot at every little predator wannabe I see. I know these people have to be utterly pissed off at me, probably even think I'm hacking. But if you know what they do, you know how and when to counter it.

    As for avoiding snipers while in a turret...


    Set up your gun placements just inside the building where you can't be seen by snipers. The bonus is tanks have a hard time nailing you as well. So this works with AV turrets too. Granted.. your dead zone is a little larget. But what good are you laying in the floor with hole where your face used to be?
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  3. z1967

    Infiltrator? Fun killer class? BUHAHAHAHAHAHA
    I find it funny that your complaints in the rant are more skill based as opposed to actual balanced based. So, no, your rant was clearly based off a few bad experiences and possibly having tunnel vision.
  4. Ryekir

    Two words: radar darts.

    It's really not that hard to see cloaked infiltrators (and I'm told they're actually even more visible on low graphics settings), you just have to pay attention. They also can't fire while cloaked, so you can generally get the drop on them, unless they actually manage to sneak up behind you.
  5. TheFamilyGhost

    Wow. Some dude gets killed by an infiltrator, rages on the forum, and now its a reason to fix the game.

  6. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Actually, it's been reversed.

    People can see us easily on higher graphical settings, but the low end variant is much more stealthy. It switches with just about every update they make to the game, an ongoing problem.
  7. zappy

    infiltrator is a very easy class to play.

    Only class that can foolishly run out into the open and not get punished.
    If the enemy is camping and not trying to take our base, but they are at a distance in which a normal weapon cannot reach them, that is when I pull out the one head shot x12 scope sniper rifle, unlike other games a sniper that can turn invisible makes sniping too easy.
    If we are attacking/defending but are deadlocked that is when I will use the sundial class of smg+ anti infantry mines, you are guaranteed to kill at least one person before you die
    Then there is the wraith+ m40 fury flash and I don’t think I need to explain that to you.
    And when it is night time you are practically immortal.
    The infiltrator class is the best Lone wolf class, it has almost no disadvantage.
    Don’t get me wrong, PS2 is situational some classes play better in some areas than others (eg LA in tower attacks) but infiltrators can be used in all most all situations.

    Like someone in this thread said before, I never stand still in fear of being head shot or smg in the back.

    I don't think infiltrators should have smg.
  8. Tenebrae Aeterna

    By all means, present your personal gameplay footage to display your omnipotent Infiltrator skills...just please make sure it's not a montage of periodic success. With that said, "If we are attacking/defending but are deadlocked that is when I will use the sundial class of smg+ anti infantry mines, you are guaranteed to kill at least one person before you die"

    ......................go godmode go, a whole 1 for 1 ratio!
  9. Flapatax


    double lol

    lol hattrick

    A bad player playing an infiltrator is still bad, just with audio queues to tell everyone where they are.
  10. Catch23

    technically you're right. when a cloaker is standing in front of you, you can see him pretty well. of course during night time (that's the part of the day you guys keep stoically silent about in this matter) that's much harder + very often you will lose aim upon firing on him, as you get blinded by your own muzzle flash, even with a flash suppressor (which increases COF Bloom and is overall not a useful attachement).

    anyhow, this is not how awareness works.

    if you play defense in sports you will always watch the space between the two players you have to keep an eye on. peripheral vision. most SMG cloakers dont shoot you from the back, they're coming from the side. of course they do, because there is only one back but two flanks. unfortunately periperal vision is not as acurate as center vision. therefore the cloak is much better than you make it. even during day.

    thats by the way whats the FOV slider in your graphics settings is for. just in case you wondered. Standard is 55, alot of players have it on max 74.

    any more questions?
  11. John_Aitc

    I play CQC Infil a lot and really enjoy the class variant even though I play it poorly and too aggressively. I understand the OP's frustration with the class, but think that his argument means that we are doing our job by allowing enemies no comfort and always pressing the fight.

    To disagree with Evil, I think the Medic is the most important class in team play, not the Infil.

    I believe the Infil class has a place in any team, though. Darts and hacks are very useful. In any attack or defense, Infils send enemies back to spawn and remove players from the fight for a few seconds. This allows teammates to tip the battle in their favor and hopefully win.
  12. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Sure, we do much better at night and if you're VS...even more so; I won't disagree with you there.

    Though, I'm going to disagree with your implied claim that you can only see an infiltrator when they're "right in front of you." Our eyes are trained to focus in on movement more than anything else, and that graphical effect doesn't serve to thwart this basic biological mechanic. So, if you're someone like myself who has played Starcraft since he was a wee little lad and watched all the Predator movies, it's absurdly easy to see that type of cloaking effect from even your peripheral vision and at medium range. This is why it's so terribly difficult to balance the mechanic out...people adapt to the effect and start fixating upon movement, which permits them the ability to see a cloaked infiltrator at medium to close range unless they're stationary.

    It's a great cloaking device for snipers, and needs some tweaks for the harassment style of gameplay associated with SMGs...but it's an absolutely terrible cloaking system for any actual infiltration. They really need to solidify the graphical effect between the alternate settings and find a happy medium between what it is right now at low settings and what it is at higher. As it stands, it's absurdly easy to see at high settings and probably a bit too difficult at low. This won't solve the fact that it's terrible for actual infiltration, but it'll bring it at a balanced level upon all graphical settings for the other two playing styles. The problem is, it keeps bouncing every time they update it...leaving it underpowered at one setting and overpowered on another.

    As for the FOV slider, I wasn't aware of that at all...mine's on default!
  13. Catch23

    you should really try that. during the last weeks my KDR doubled. i bought a new PC, OMFG served as indirect buff for my playstyle (as quick 180s really drag on your FPS) and I increased FOV to 70 (only use 1x scopes). the latter really had a significant impact as well. Before that I didn't realize there was this slider I have to admit shamelessly.
    in this game you never stop finding out new things
  14. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Interesting, I'll have to try that.

    Right now, I'm running on a low end Dell Laptop with a shoddy connection (Have to call and ***** out the ISP so they get their ***** over here and fix it.) but I'll be sure to do that!
  15. Bonom Denej

    I love CQC Infil. I like playing them, even tho I'm utter crap with my Artemis so far, but I love being in front of one when I play HA. You can hear the clocking noise from far away and you can really surprise them when they actually try to surprise you. If one infil manage to really surprise me and insta-SMG-kill me, well, he deserves it since he managed to get here without me noticing and it's my fault.
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  16. Catch23

    that's it. The class I get killed least by is LA. It's my class

    still, the cloak is very effective when used with skill

    Argueing this point is DENIED!
  17. Nintyuk

    The only Issue I have with infiltrator’s is that with the SMG they become just as strong as any other front line combat class meaning their tough to kill even if you catch them when their trying not to be caught. If you discover a stealthed infiltrator unless you have a SMG as well or a Pump action shotgun the infiltrator can decloak and still reliably win the fight Because of SMG’s blink and you will miss it time to kill without ADS.
    For all of the ability to have both situational awareness because of sensor darts as well as a greatly reduced enemy awareness they should be really disadvantaged when forced in to direct confrontation not just as viable as any LA Medic or Engy that you run into with a SMG.
  18. Catch23

    well you do need a large enough display because naturally everything becomes a bit smaller.
  19. Piestro Community Relations

    This is by far the best advice in this thread. Anytime you really want to learn something's strengths and weaknesses go out and play it. Once you learn it and understand it, it's not nearly as difficult to counter.
    Infiltrators, and their ability to cloak, are a core part of the game. This being removed is incredibly unlikely, instead focus on what you can do to address your difficulties with the class.

    Since there are other threads on Infiltrators going, this thread is a good one, I'll lock this one down.
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