Infiltrator rifles: Headshots with ease

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BIllyGG, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. BIllyGG

    When you have the ability to one shot a person, where even the most rookiest of players can easily pull it off. Don't you think that's a bit unbalanced?

    I don't believe anything should be OHK, but if something is, it should be a difficult thing to pull off in a game even more so against a moving target. And in my experience, it doesn't matter if you're standing still or running around crouching up and down you're pretty much dead unless they decide to look at someone else.

    Infiltrators are busting head shots left right and center WAY TOO EASY IMO. Infiltrators have the safety of distance and cloaking which further amplifies their kill to risk ratio. Why should their weapons be so easy to handle if they're one shot?

    The inf class really has no weakness at range. What's their downside?

    I think the inf class needs a definite clear disadvantage implemented on them at range, I think snipers rifles should be more difficult to handle, (more sway, less stability) and the weapon should suffer from heavy bullet drop off. Let them compensate for that themselves. Make them work for that OHK. Don't just give it to them SOE.

    Well, that's really all I got to say. I'm sure the infs won't like this, but I think there is not enough disadvantages to this class as there are advantages and it doesn't seem very balanced like the rest of the classes (except engineers)
  2. Robes

    Why on earth would you run through a field crouching up and down?
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  3. Tommyp2006

    Sniper rifles are pretty low down on a list of things I actually worry about while playing this game, I don't really think they're all that unbalanced. You pretty much give up all short range defensive capabilities with one, and most snipers are horribly tunnel visioned.
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  4. Baracuda

    If you believe sniper rifles are OP, may I then introduce you to the Tier 2 shotgun, the walking point and click adventure, the Bruiser and company.
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  5. SenEvason

    Speaking as someone who does not play infi all that much, especially the sniping aspect, leave them alone.
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  6. Riddlley

    They do have a weakness, not only do they have 10 percent less health... Sniper rifles are not that useful at close range.

    I don't even play that much infiltrator, and all I see is someone who got sniped a number of times. Actively evading a sniper makes it extremely difficult to land a hit at range, let alone headshots. If you are getting sniped, you are either oblivious, or incompetent. A sniper relies on this. In the end they still have next to no impact on organised gameplay, and are useless vs vehicles.

    1/10 for effort.
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  7. Vodski

    If you got domed by a sniper while moving, you are doing it wrong.
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  8. AzureKnight

    Disadvantages include:
    10% Lower health
    While cloaked you can still see them rather easily
    Bright tracer shots
    General lack of awareness with most snipers means getting the drop on them is easy
    Can't shoot while cloaked
    Unless you know the hold breath button, your aim oscillate like a person who's never shot a gun
    Easy to counter sniper
    Rarely have medics to revive them nearby
    Even the best stop moving for at least .25-.5 seconds to take a shot and that's the easiest time to kill them

    OHK depending on the tier of the gun (150-300 meters)
    Cloaking makes it harder to see them at all times.
    Can hack terminals
    Great at Turret spammer removal

    Probably just a troll poster, but if you're serious, you need to develop movements that, you know, are not linear while at the same time get some awareness.
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  9. BIllyGG

    everything you listed is not even a real reason or not a real disadvantage especially at range

    10% less health is not a real disadvantage and when they're at range what good is that? Fine, give them 100% health as everyone else, but there sniper rifles need to be changed.
    you can't see them when they're cloaked at a distance
    can't shoot when cloaked...well duh that's not the point
    when you hold your breath you're straight as an arrow, that shouldn't be the case. It should help, but it shouldn't make you straight as an arrow. And it shouldn't last that long.
    How do you counter a sniper at range unless you're not a sniper yourself, they're just going to cloak and move?
    medics revive? what do medics have to do with anything?
    No it's not, unless your'e a sniper yourself waiting or they only have 10% health left on them.

    And it's not like you're dealing with just one. With the massive influx of snipers now in this game. They're every where, taking pot shots with god like accuracy.
  10. Reavx

    Hi there
    I am a full time infiltrator that usually caries a sniper rifle.
    Recently i started using the rail jack but before i have got 4k kills more or less each with longshot and the semi auto gauss spr.

    Sniping is not easy.
    In a world of HAs and LAs you have to have great situational awareness to survive.
    LAs mean no matter where you go, no matter which smart spot you find, they will easily get there and outgun you.
    Come across a competent ha in close to medium range and you have a hard job to kill him.
    Maxes are nearly impsossible.
    Biolabs are very hard for BAR users.

    I am an above average player so i use my head to get around these and other problems but most snipers dont.
    I assume you are kind of new to the game, newbies are food for infiltrators.
    You dont move properly to avoid fire and stay still far too long with the situational awareness of a stone.
    You mention it your self, snipers rock at range no ****.
    Get close to him.with any other class and see what happens.
    If he still kills you i am sorry but you suck.

    Use a semi auto like the warden to counter snipe.
    Throw smoke down rendering them useless, snipers cant use ir scopes.
    I felt sorry for a noib tonight as he let me kill him around 10 times, i tried to pm him tips but to no avail.
    I guess he was like you op but it is your fault mainly.
    When a sniper kills an experienced player, they have put alot more effort into the kill than you do op with your ha spraying lmgs below 20m.
    I hope you learn but its up to you, your suggested nerfs are poorly thought and plain nerf calling on a style of play you fail to grasp.
  11. LT_Latency

    If it's so easy, get a bolt action and use it all day long. No one will fault you for it
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  12. Mustarde

    First off, hitting moving targets is not easy. I don't care if you are a great shot or a complete new player. It's a challenge, which is part of why I enjoy sniping so much.

    Second - some of us have had about 16 months to perfect our craft. There are a lot of very good snipers out there. For every good sniper, there's about 20 really bad ones. Snipers are a cannibalistic class, we usually feed off of each other, and pay attention to the others after we've cleared our zone of fellow infiltrators.

    It's frustrating getting sniped and looking at your death screen feeling helpless. I get that. But that does not mean the class is broken, overpowered or destroying some fragile infantry balance. This thread feels more like a "nerf whatever is killing me cuz it's OP" type of deal.

    But because you love us so much, I'll leave you this video of snipers doing sniper stuff. Enjoy!

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  13. Delta102

    Who cares if they kill in one shot, unless you're very good being a sniper is a drain on your team. You can't complete the objective if you're 150 meters plus away.
  14. gartho33

    and u lost me there.... u obviously dont snipe and u have never tried... if you think it is "easy" to hit a moving target then you need to learn to be... how they say.... unpredictable.... yes there are a lot of snipers, no there not able to kill u on site if you know what the A and the D keys do to your movement path....
  15. Killerdude8

    If someone can ping my head when I'm zig-zaggin around, They earned that kill. Snipers are some of the only weapons in the game that heavily reward skill.
    Besides, if Snipers, more specifically BASR's, couldn't OHK on headshots, They'd be utterly useless.
  16. KnightCole

    Or the guy is cheating. Im sure the majority of hackers are prolly snipers cuz its harder-ish to tell if they are using it. 1 shot, 1 way I was just MLG 1337 pro sniper wifle user.
  17. andy_m

    Billy, 57FU. Please.
  18. XDDante

    lol if it is so easy why don't you play sniper class and stop complaining???what's ,more do a video doing everything a sniper can do and prove your point!!!
  19. Aolsier

    Stopped reading after the first sentence. Not sure why everyone isn't just shredding you to bits for this thread.

    I don't know what server you're playing on, but I sure as Hell have never seen entire platoons dying to OHK infil headshots. Maybe because it's too easy, people don't do it to be sportsmanlike? That must be the reason, because as we know, the PS2 community would 'never' abuse something beyond it's intended scope to get an advantage/ farm certs more effectively. Sniper rifles must just exist in their own special universe to you. "Awh man, you got another OHK headshot? That's like your 100th today you noob! Use a REAL gun like an smg already!"
  20. Radioactive Bomba

    Well, infiltrators rely on stealth as their main defense, which is pretty bad if they want to get up close, they also got lower HP than other classes, Snipers ain't really my main concern neither, i mean i shouldn't be running in a straight line in the open anyway, or standing still in a hostile base.

    I rarely play infiltrator anyway so. For me it's a practical useless class in most aspects, i can't repair, i can't drop ammo, i can heal/revive, i can't deal with vehicles effectively. i can't use much else besides Battle rifles scout rifles and SMGS, which sucks at range or sucks at CQC.