[Suggestion] Infiltrator revamp ideas

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by coleisepic, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. coleisepic

    Currently the infiltrator feels kind of gimmicky. It seems like with just a little bit more work that wouldn't be the case though. I have been browsing suggestions for the infiltrator for the last month or so and these are the things that I think would benefit the class the most.

    Weapons- (based on 500 health, 500 armor, and no nanoweave

    New semi auto rifles, Currently all we have to many bolt rifle clones and not enough unique semi auto weapons, charge weapons, or even full auto. I have thought of 2 kinds of semi auto rifles that would benefit the class.
    1. Fast shooting, low damage rifles. 300 rpm cap, 15 round clip headshots=3 shots bodyshots=5shots
    2. Slow shooting, high damage rifles. 125 rpm cap, 10 round clip headshots=2 shots bodyshots=2shots

    Empire Specific Snipers, I would like to see some more unique snipers that are faction based. This would create more variation between factions and add to the overall gameplay.

    TR. Full auto sniper. 700 rpm, 25 round clip headshots=5 shots bodyshots=8 shots
    This weapon would have low recoil and would be fun to use just for messing around.

    NC. Heavy Sniper 15 rpm, 4 round clip headshots=1shot bodyshots=2shots
    Good for killing people who just took the smallest bit of damage because of it's so close to 1hko bodyshot damage.

    VS. Splash damage rifle. rpm 300, 30 round clip.
    Not really sure how the damage or anything would work but It would be fun.

    More guns= more money for SOE and more fun for us, it is a win win.

    More customization! Utility's, ability's, and more

    utility: Paralysis gun: stun players and disable armor for 2 seconds, would shoot one shot then reload.
    add c4 to infiltrator. If light assault can get it I think it would be completely fair for infiltrators to also.

    tool slot: New Item: Recon heat detector: Revamp the current radar thing to allow you to see players through walls, yes through walls. Also reduced range, maybe about 1/3 of the current radar device

    Ability Slot: Hunter Cloaking Device: Instead of faster recharge when upagraded increase duration, also lose no energy when croching.
    Perfect Cloak: 100% invisible for about 1/2 the current hunter cloaking device, no loss of energy when croching.
    Silencer Cloak: Cloaked 100% of the time with only a secondary.
    Double Cloak: like hunter cloaking device but 1/2 duration and added ability of double jumping.

    These are just some ideas, I would like to see more in the comments.

    Gameplay changes
    add about 100 to projectile velocity of all snipers
    add the ability to hack terminals around points at bases to speed up cap time at bases
    hacking while cloaked
    dual wielding pistols