Infiltrator is the most useless class

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by pretendo, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. pretendo

    I just don't play it at all, even though I dropped cash on it, and I chastise outfit-mates that do. Sniping just isn't really powerful just due to the nature of how infantry move. The only way to actually get people is if, a) they are on engi turrets, or b) they are entrenched behind a position. But a is very situational, and B is just better dealt with by grabbing an ESF. Right now, they don't a role in organized ops, except maybe hacking.

    Honestly, scope sway just doesn't need to exist, and you should be able to shoot/melee from invisibility (breaking it, of course)
  2. Snarkyfoo

    Have you tried certing into hacking + scout rifle +nano-armor cloak?
    You can become a first-strike machine, rending terminals and turrets useless before your main force gets to a base.
    I've also certed into an AMS sundy, which I promptly pull after taking a terminal. I deploy it and get compensated for any amount of kills I missed.
  3. Grotpar

    Infiltrators do not have to be snipers.
  4. Falter

    'I don't play this class, thus it is useless'

    There have been multiple times where my outfit's recon/sniper has given us a heads up to incoming troops, or been able to infiltrate a tower and hack defenses allowing for the movement of vehicles into the facility (taking down AA and AV turrets). Hacking terminals to allow me to pull a sundy out for respawn..

    They're an annoyance and deterrence to enemy foot movement. They have a role.. And a good infiltrator can be a great asset to a squad.
  5. pretendo

    Honestly I don't care if something is underpowered like this, I will just not play it and neither will my squad, so don't think I'm biased. I just think them being viable in an organized battle would be a good thing. They aren't even a good suppressor, since anyone can just recharge to full and be able to take a shot, and then seek cover, and repeat.
  6. Obelisk95

    Except that in an organized battle there will be other people shooting at them. Even then, snipers really aren't ment to take a part in battles in the same way that assault classes are. A good infiltrator is the guy who is in the place his enemies do not want him to be. I don't play it much, but I have played against them, and they are absolutely effective in certain situations, just like any other class.
  7. GrinNfool

    I agree mostly... nano-armor cloak is garbage, suggesting some one spec for it is questionable at best, the duration is to short and the recharge is to long considering how short the duration is, hunter is better in 90% of situations. Having said that and I do find the infil has a purpose it could use some tweeks to make it more viable in close range combat.

    The full-auto scout rifle could use more damage per bullet or a bigger clip take your pick but right now it takes nearly half a clip to drop some 1 assuming everything hits. The "sniper rifles" that have no scope and allow for reflexes, are great though, as it lets the infil have a strong midrange weapon, it does however make the semi auto scout rifle worthless at the same time. Infils do have a purpose, although I find snipers don't contribute to the fight that often, which is likely where this guys attitude comes from. A buff certainly wouldn't hurt infils though, nano armor cloak COULD be a good way to let infils have a better frontline role but it its curret iteration it is worthless, three possibilities for it,

    1) increase length to 10 seconds (kinda pointless honestly)

    2) decrease recharge to 6 seconds (this is the most viable makes it a short duration short recharge cloak that serves its purpose)

    3) Leave the 25 seconds recharge and fully specced 6 sec duration but allow firing while cloaked, this would make it akin to the HA's resist shield, with a longer CD and shorter duration. (this has potential issues of being OP due to the cloak part) all the same though the duration is so low and the CD is so long I don't think it would cause a huge issue even then.
  8. PeterLawford

    I'm happy to see this post. I love the infiltrator, and I don't want it to be nerfed, so it's nice to see that some people think it's under-powered.
  9. VKhaun

    It's so obvious the class is useless beyond being a sniper.

    Read how people defend it and replace 'infiltrator' with 'light assault' and notice nothing changes except the light assault can plant C4 when he gets there, the jet pack is quieter than the 'stealth' suit, and he doesn't have to walk everywhere.
  10. stoneagle

    and he can't hack terminals and set up sunderers in enemy territory.

    i think the infiltrator is a good sniper if you can lead your targets right, press shift and you don't have scope sway.
    it's also effective in infiltrating and hacking, as stated above ^
  11. VKhaun

    Both classes can drive vehicles. Neither class needs to hack a terminal for anything... It's nice to hack a turret sometimes, but that's very situational. If there's a turret in a good position that the enemy is not using, is not destroyed, and has targets then... by all means... go get the infiltrator out.
  12. Cl1mh4224rd

    Son of a *****! I didn't know about this! All this time and I thought sniping was just terrible because of the sway. Now what's needed is an indicator for this ability so you know how much time you have left to shoot and when you can use it again.
  13. Blackiechan

    Also, on the subject of turrets. an infiltratior can hack a AA turret that is suppressing aircraft and when its turned the operator never expects it and you can just kill them. thus crippling their AA ability before/during a heated battle over air control.
  14. Wombat

    Lol hacking is not situational, its always effective. Hack the turrets, no more enemy turrets, hack the vehicle bays, no more enemy vehicles, hack the resupplies, no more enemy consumables... not to mention these assets then become available for your team. A good infiltrator can turn the tide of battles in a way other classes simply can't.
  15. Emperor

    People who say that infiltrators can only be snipers obviously have poor pistol aim and have yet to unlock the bouncing betty.