Infiltrator decloaking upon left mouse button

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by borgqueenx, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. borgqueenx

    Is there a way to de-activate this? I find myself somehow cloaking myself again in a fight because sometimes i press left mouse first and then the decloack button.
  2. Taemien

    It was a stealth feature added (no pun intended). People have been requesting decloak on fire for 3 years... funny how the one that notices it thought it was a bug. :D
  3. Voodoooooo

    Look into useroptions.ini
    There you will find a new entry on the end of General. Change from 1 to 0 and Autodecloak will be old version.

    Try Blackhand with yellowdot and stalkercloak. Hold Firebutton while cloaked and decloak if head is on crosshair. Old style but fun for slow players like me.
  4. JobiWan