[Suggestion] Infiltrator cloak bugged 150% visibility

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dramonicous, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Dramonicous

    The Infiltrator cloak is again bugged.
    Before when playing on lowest graphic quality the cloak was 99.9% invisible to most players (varies depending on pc speccs).
    After the big update this is no longer the case.
    Sometimes the cloak will appear as a dark shadow which is working as intended and giving infil a decent camoflague. But just a few seconds ago I was playing at Ti Alloys on Indar, the sun was shining directly on us.
    And... every cloaked infil (regardless of empire) was 150% visible, meaning they were easier to spot than normal troops. Rather than a dark shadow it was a white shadow, lighting up so much that it was impossible to miss.

    This may also explain the problem ive been having staying hidden after the update, low level BR players who spot me from afar. Pre update it wasnt uncommon to avoid detection from them even without cloak.

    So we get a strong CQC weapon... guess we better get a nerf aswell (a broken cloak)...
    Anyone can just set their graphic to low and never have to worry about infils again.
  2. amega

    GRAF TO LOW///// NOW!!!! NEWER!!!!