Infiltration Video

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by NUKABAZOOKA, Jan 4, 2013.


    I just finished making this video this afternoon on the shenanigans I typically enjoy pulling as an infiltrator.
    I hope you all enjoy!
  2. Skadi

    Only at.. THE CROWN!
  3. gunshooter

    headshotting people standing still to dubstep, sounds like a modern FPS video to me
  4. VoidC

    I saw many static heads in December, but in the meanwhile people actually learned to run/walk/jump and close in zig-zig. If I repair a turret or my tank I try to dance.

    I've found this to be true too, more people are becoming aware that there aren't any "safe" areas anymore other than the warpgate. I know I've done my job well when I see at least 3 Engineers all weaving and bobbing while trying to repair a turret.
  6. ArcMinuteLight

    Of course, An infiltrator's job is to strike, not only with a bullet to the head, but fear to the mind!
  7. SirStriped

    is it just me or does did his birds heads go with the beat of the music.