Infantryside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Razershade, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. ronjahn

    Hmmm, I'm kinda curious why the Devs put HE rounds, Kobalts, PPA, Marauder, and the c85 in the game then if tanks shouldn't be shooting at infantry.

    I think your confusing your opinion with facts about what people should or shouldn't be doing.

    If you tell me that I can't bring my tank somewhere, you best believe that I'm going to do everything I can to squeeze my tank in there even if it requires teetering sideways, balanced on the edge of one tank track. I got 3 vanguards inside of walled off Esamir bases yesterday just to say I was there.

    You blow me up with c4? Guess what, my resources are full and my timer is up. I'll be back.
  2. PurpleBeefer

    ya you tell him,get that other tank, make them waste c4 muahhaha.

    brb magjumping over the walls in esamir
  3. Phyr

    If you want to put your tank inside the base, go right ahead. I wont have to run as far to give you my brick shaped love.
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  4. EliteEskimo

    Infantry stop rendering after 300 meters for tanks. Therefore their range capabilities should be capped at 300. That way in the best case render scenarios they'll render.
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  5. Bluedragon

    That was sarcasm. And I would really appreciate if you actually read my post till the end to understand what i was talking about. And yes in most cases, when someone complaining about how they want to participate in base capturing with their tank hiding behind, already mythical, slogan combined arms, it all goes down to wanting to farm infantry without any effort.

    As i stated before imo tanks in this game should not have any HE main guns. And i agree with the statement that infantry av measures must be at the same distance as infantry rendering range if not shorter, but within that range no vehicle should have an easy way to survive. Infantry av weapons should be like a shotgun - deadly but limited in range. Oh and no tank or harasser should be able to participate in base capturing only in establishing outside perimeter for attackers and defending ams.
  6. EliteEskimo

    That makes no sense, infantry AV ranges need to be umiversally limited to 300 meters because that is when they stop rendering. If you've never seen a lancer nest or AV turret nest in the open field you either play on a uncoordinated server or haven't been paying attention. I'm referring to infantry in the open field dominating armor in the open field beyond the range infantry render.
  7. Bluedragon

    Bad design choices? You know it happens, they thought it would be fun and great, but didn't thought through and did not took into considerations people like you how will use any legal means to "exploit" the game. Almost like a bulldog through the biolab dome. Oh, and this is also why people want underground bases
  8. Phyr

    You misunderstand, but I'm feeling lazy, so w/e
  9. HadesR

    Tis what happens when you make vehicles spammable by everyone and their dog .. They have to be balanced around that fact ... If that means the game is more Infantryside Than some people wish then so be it ..

    Blame how SOE implemented their vehicles rather than t'other players ..
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  10. FateJH

    Actually, I thought you were someone else in the thread and didn't double check. The first sentence was enough since your sarcasm was very close to their serious attitude and I really didn't care to read a whole other post of what was said the first time. That's a---bit more embarassing of a mistake to make to be honest, no way writng around it. Apologies.
  11. RHINO_Mk.II

    Best post I've seen all week.
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  12. RHINO_Mk.II

    The BEST solution would be for infantry to render out to 500m. But unfortunately we don't all have supercomputers. *sigh*
  13. Drumsticks617

    Even worse is the problem that open field battles aren't worth crap. The most it could really come to is one side trying to get a sundy to the next base. It's not as if they actually have to travel across that plain. They can simply spawn at the next base and fight over cap points.
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  14. Bluedragon

    No worries. I took no offense in your post, so everything is fine. :)
  15. Liam23490

    It is my opinion and I am well aware that it is not the case currently. That's why I proposed it as a suggestion by stating that it should be the case.

    I am very much against HE rounds for tanks, and I strongly believe the main cannon should be anti-vehicle, and only kill infantry with a direct hit. The gunner position could equip a more anti-infantry weapon to deter infantry, and keep the fight separate. This should keep tanks away from infantry because the driver won't be able to kill them effectively.
  16. The Funk

    AV turrets render as vehicles. This was changed quite a while back, before their more recent range Nerf. Manned beyond 300m the player can be killed but if they jump off they disappear.

    I have however been shot by lancers and av maxes beyond render which is annoying.
  17. Kalivix

    Hang on I'll respond in a second, I'm just being camped by a army of tanks 1 shotting people non stop and libs bombing everybody from orbits completely safe from harm......
  18. EliteEskimo

    In 48v48 battles the AV turrets often don't render past 300 meters even when the Engineer is on them. The game engine has problem render small things in big battles, the AV turret is one of the first things that stops rendering after infantry.
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  19. The Funk

    I can recall being in plenty of 48+ fights where this is not the case. I think at minimum you're exaggerating with the use of the word "often". Maybe in the very biggest of fights when the game or server or whatever is really taxed. In that case are you sure it's even 300m? All sorts of render issues can happen in the epic battles. At any rate your initial posts made it seem like 300m AV turret render range was some kind of game mechanic.