Infantry going extinct?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by centurionvi, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. centurionvi

    I don't think it would be a stretch to say thanks to the triple cash special the amount of vehicles with special weapons is going to increase exponentially, making the life of the infantry grunt, already up to their ears in tanks and planes, that much more difficult.

    Think of all the Liberators with new Zephers/Daltons to farm infantry, then when you get shot down you spawn an ESF with your new rocket pods to farm infantry, then when you get shot down in that you spawn an MBT with a shiny new HE cannon to farm infantry, then of course if you get blown up you have a Lightning waiting for you, naturally with a new HE cannon to farm infantry. By the time someone loses all 4 vehicles the timers have reset and you get to do it all over again. Now multiply this by all the thousands of people who will be buying these weapons with visions of easy massive killstreaks dancing in their heads.

    It seems like the way this game is going the poor saps playing infantry will be reduced to nothing more than cannon fodder, existing solely to stand on cap points and repair your armored overlords.
    • Up x 2
  2. Skadi

    Armored Overlords....

    I like the sound of it.
  3. LameFox

    Pretty sure I still see more infantry than anything else in this game. Maybe not at the same time though given the draw distance on them...
  4. Brutus

    Infantry forever!
  5. ent|ty

    My effectiveness as an AT rocket type dude has also gone down exponentially. Now with these new fangled HE rounds, it doesn't matter if I'm behind a rock 100%, the splash damage kills me in 1 shot. It doesn't matter that I'm working on Flak Armor cert, or that my tank killing skills are really sharp now, nor that I have 20% extra health so far. It's all negated by one good round.

    Or maybe the Lib with the Dalton overhead, that slams me as soon as I fire the first rocket. I don't care about K/D, but a lot of my tank hunting days are over, there simply is much more spam out there then ever before, harder to get close to do my job.
  6. Brok9000

    If you like to play infantry 50+% of the time, PS2 is not the game for you. Which basically means not many will be playing PS2.
  7. Conq


    Infantry combat is a joke in this game. The devs don't want a real first person shooter, they want something anyone can play and win at regardless of skill, so we have rocket pods and zyphers, HEAT tank rounds, ect.
  8. LameFox

    If you think infantry don't farm themselves just as effectively you've clearly not been in the kind of tech plant or bio lab battles I have. Sometimes if I've been driving or flying a bit and notice an intense one I'll decon my vehicle and redeploy there on foot just to spend a half hour or so knocking the heads off attackers/defenders with a sniper or turning them to a fine red mist with MAX/HA guns.
  9. Wariamu

    Idk I play infantry most of the time.

    There's nothing I like more to ambush tanks and blow up stuff with C4!

    I suggest getting better rocket launchers though.