Infantry Camo Coverage

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Doomzzg, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. Rovertoo

    You aren't forced to agree to the EULA.
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  2. The_Blazing

    If they relied on proper HUD elements and warning indicators to do IFF in this game this problem would not even exist... but UI sucks anyways in this game, so yeah, have a camo nerf to compensate.

    Frankly, they do need to fix IFF, especially for newbies that are almost guaranteed to TK friendlies wearing camo until BR 10-20. So of course, because coding anything in this game without breaking half of it seems to be a nightmare, they went with the easiest solution and just made camos worse at their job.
  3. CuteBeaver

    Infils have been playing with identifiers for over half a year now.... We knew SOE intended to put faction identifiers on every class. This change shouldn't be a shock.
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  4. TheKhopesh

    On behalf of all NC and TR to all VS:

    (NC/TR only get about 70-80% camo coverage depending on the class used, where as VS get about 90% or more.)
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  5. KesTro

    Still saying it will make the game look over all better and help with immersion..

    Don't know how anyone would be against that? The game needs more faction flare and less clown camo anyhow.
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  6. Daithm

    I feel as if the faction colors/coverage is clownish. I rather have camo on than the bright faction colors with a bullseye on my head.
  7. Doomzzg



    Yes we get it Vanu, you want to keep your tryhard look since it makes you harder to be distinguished apart from the other 2 factions. It's enough that plebbit cried so much that Bill covered the thigh plates in camo again.
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  8. Daithm

    Yeah that look was and is clownish. Its why we all prefer better coverage. Faction colors are flat out bad in their placement and how vibrant they can be. I rather see all factions have increased camo coverage and darker faction colors. I loved the Alpha looking default armors. They had more neutral coloring so even with faction coloring the players didn't stick out like a sore thumb. Now if I could get rid of all the glow sticks attacked to my bullets and weapons thatd be nice. But we know that tracers are needed for gameplay to be fair.
  9. nubery

    Stop ******* ruining camo coverage.
  10. Bloodlet

    DO NOT WANT. Anything that makes camouflage less like camouflage is a bad move. I finally broke down recently and bought some winter themed camp because I got tired of sticking out like a sore thumb and now you're thinking about turning around and screwing me for making the purchase.

    Edit: Where does it say this is VS only? I said the above as a TR player. If anything I'd like to see TR & NC brought to VS level if this is VS specific.
  11. Skooma Lord

    I think they should have 2 camo's slots. One for the Clothing/Under-armor and one for the actual armor. Right now the fighters with camo looked like they are spray painted. Maybe only one at a time too.
  12. CNR4806

    This is awful.

    They need to place less emphasis on IFF-through-visual-cues and make the Q-spot-based dorito IFF better. As good as Battlefield which they're obviously copying it from.

    In that sense it's possible to achieve visual satisfaction (instead of ridiculous faction colors everywhere) and a usable, non-confusing IFF system.
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  13. xArchAngelx

    Oh man...All the tears.

    All I have to say is something that was said to me a while back in one of my posts about weapons. In said post I was explaining how SOE has messed up recoil and need to have it fixed, as well as other things such as C4, tank mines, regular mines. Especially about the C4 part, everyone kept saying the same I'll gladly say it now:

    "This is a game, and they can make it how ever they want. Its not supposed to be real life!"
  14. BobSanders123

    Yay, the professional armies will now look professional.... Sort of.
  15. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Well, no, they will look like what an American teenager probably envisions as that term.
    What happened to the Alpha graphics? They must still have them lying around.
  16. Alan Kalane

    The only people who don't like it is VS
    VS is only 33% of the playerbase
  17. cykael

    People who say that camo coverage doesn't actually matter for IFF are on some serious ****. In a game like this where the TTK isn't really that high a fraction of a second worth of hesitation can mean winning a 1v1 or losing one and I've had plenty of situations where VS camo has fooled me into thinking it's not actually a VS player. You also can't Q spot always since it gives an audio cue with huge range.


    How can anyone say this is even remotely balanced?
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  18. Kulso

    I actually like how VS looks on PTS atm. Although, it looks like I'll be replacing my composite armor with drakon armor for most classes, except maybe for HA. But, they ruined a few helmets like the Harbinger, Maniac, and Protos helmets. Just, ew.
  19. Xelsia

    I actually kinda like the new camo coverage. Camo should of been a secondary to the factions primary colours from the start. I'll agree it's a bit of a dick move if you don't like the changes though.

    Can you please also remake Hossin Mists whilst you're at it SOE?
  20. m3talc0re

    Lol, all these VS tears. Welcome to normal camo coverage like TR/NC. "it's not fair we've been balanced to be on even grounds with TR and NC" lol.