Infantry assaults are more fun without splash damage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Firejack, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Firejack

    No idea if it was intended or not. I'm going to guess not since so many bugs were introduced with todays Hotfix.

    However, I'd just like to say how much more enjoyable infantry assaults on bases are without splash damage :)

    Just had an epic fight over Jaegers Crossing. The action was less of a spamfest, without the constant splash damage from rocket pods, HE rounds, Fury/Bulldogs and particularly Liberators.

    Completely didn't expect the difference to be such an improvement. I'm not even an infantry focused player.

    Anyone else have the same thoughts after playing today?
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  2. DJPenguin

    The only thing i like about the hotfix to be honest.
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  3. bPostal

    I haven't had much time to play, but I agree from what I've seen so far. I was having a hard time adjusting to VS and NC MAX units though.
  4. Larolyn

    Thoughts from today? This patch sucks. Splash damage has never been an issue. Only splash damage passing through walls and shields has ever been an issue. And I got to see those dome shield things in Amerish. I shuddered. I hope they don't make it in. They're a ridiculous band aid on a non existent problem.

    Oh, PPAs the size of the sun were fun for a while. Seizures have always been the secondary effect of most Vanu weaponry so nice they upped the scale of that for a bit. I only get about 30 minutes of play at the moment before the debris / rocket / grenade / explosive clutter gets too much and my frames disappear all together.

    So thoughts from today? What a mess. What a complete and utter mess. And say no to air shields.
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  5. Eclipson

    Yes, it's a huge improvement to the game that tanks and esf pilots can't be effective, and all the infantry can come out and play, not having to worry about a thing.
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  6. Keiichi25

    I thought the fix was only to prevent the splash damage through IFF shields, since some people were exploiting the heck out of it on some places that should not be hitting people in the spawn room. And yes, while we all know people hate people firing from the spawn room tagging people outside of the room with impunity, the defenders having few means to get out of the room have to clear a way to get out somehow. And it isn't like you can't see them coming.
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  7. Keiichi25

    I don't think it was intended to prevent splash damage in general... But spamming a spawn room IFF shield and actually doing damage is not exactly conducive to encourage people to defend a place either.
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  8. infinite loop

    Any fps game would be much better without splash damage and spammy weapons. I prefer the higher skill ceiling with actually having to aim to kill things.
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  9. Mxiter

    It's nice for HEAT, Dalton and rocketpods that finally have to aim infantries to get kills instead of mindless spam.

    Broken for HE, AI secondaries (fury/bulldogs/marauders) and zepher wich are intended to be spammed due to them low direct hit damages.
  10. Pikachu

    Picking HE cannon for your tank isn't fun when it only serves as an AP cannon with 1/2 the damage an none of the other benefits.
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  11. KendoPS1

    I defended a bio lab today... It was AWESOME.

    zero ubgl spam, zero nade spam, zero rocket spam, close to zero LA with C4 bomber runs. Just good ol' fashioned bullets, you know, the ones usually found in a fps game.
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  12. Pikachu

    Boring. That's what's wrong with this current era of games taking place in modern real life setting.
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  13. Unclematos7

    Noobturds splash just fine unfortunately.:(
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  14. umbrellapower


    Extremely fun infantry gameplay today so far. I will miss it dearly when the hotfix for the hotfix comes out. :(
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  15. NC_Edacyn

    I'm lost, what splash dmg are we talking about? The only thing mentioned in the Hotfix was IFF splash from geometry exploits.
  16. Kronic

    Best part of the patch by far. Not that the bug has much to contend with in this buggy update.
  17. nooblet91698

    you might wanna mention the proton II PPA blinding mega nuke flare gun:rolleyes:
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  18. DJPenguin

    Yes, this is in relation to the patch today. And more notably how it affected splash damage weaponry. While this patch was a monumental failure in its objective to fix things, what became of it made today one of favorite play sessions.

    I Instant Actioned onto Ti Alloys. Landed on the roof, swarmed by the Vanu defenders and died. All is normal. What i then experienced was the opposite. I spawned at a Sunderer on the other side of the road past the bridge and noticed a glorious large scale infantry battle was taking place. I do a double take at the map to see that the hex is only showing 24-48 players for both sides when it felt like 48+. As if from a bygone age planes were doing strafing runs with their nose guns, some harassers zipped around with their own rapid fire weapons while groups of infantry moved together wave after wave with cover becoming increasingly scarce as more and more joined the point-blank standoff that was taking place at the front gate because they weren't all being instantly gibbed en mass. As the battle eventually came to a close and the hex did turn into 48+, the final minutes were that of toe to toe shootouts and less spawn killing as the defenders were actually able to run out and put up a hard fought last ditch defense. I was witnessing something i haven't experienced in nearly a decade. And it felt good.

    Take the story for what you will but i haven't felt this reminiscent since tech test. No rocket spam. No tank spam. No grenade spam. Hell i even grinned as i threw a nade down at an unsuspecting group of defenders and watched the ineffective results. Some more ZOE Maxes running around than normal but it all felt so great compared to what we normally have to deal with. Now that nearly everyone had to essentially use some degree of skill and aim to score kills many were well earned today.

    The cheese meter reached a record low today and there was much rejoicing.

    Take notes Sony.
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  19. nooblet91698

    What about the proton PPA :rolleyes:
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  20. DJPenguin

    ^ I noticed that a couple times. Looked incredibly cool but I'd imagine it would give anyone a headache after a while.
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